
发布时间:2017-05-26 09:45



A monkey is hungry. He wants to look for something to eat. At this time, he sees many peaches on the trees. So he climbs the trees and picks up the peaches.


Suddenly he sees many bananas on other trees. He then jumps down and runs to the banana trees. Every banana is big and yellow. He is very happy. Then he sees many watermelons on the ground. He begins to pick up the watermelons.


A hare comes up. The monkey sees the hare. Then he runs after it.


In the end, the monkey gets nothing.


有关于猴子的英语故事:The Monkey King 猴子王

All the animals are gathered in the forest. There is going to be a dance contest to pick the king.


Fox: Everyone gets a chance to dance. The best dancer will become the king.


Rabbit: Who will be the judge?


Fox: All of us, of course. We will pick the best dancer.


Bear: That sounds interesting. I hope I get picked. I want to become the king.


Rabbit: Not a chance! You’re a terrible dancer. I saw you dance before. Forget it.


Bear: Oh, yeah! Well, you’ll be surprised. I have been practicing.


Rabbit: Okay. We’ll see about that later.


Fox: Quiet, ladies and gentlemen! Everybody ready? Let’s start then. Mr. Duck, you go first. Go ahead. Dance!


Duck: Okay. Let’s go!


Mr. Duck dances to the disco. He shakes his bottom from left to right. It looks so funny. All the animals laugh. 鸭子先生跳的是迪斯科。他左右摇摆着屁股。样子看上去滑稽极了。所有的动物都哈哈大笑。

Rabbit: Look at Mr. Duck! Look at him dance! Oh, my, my…


Bear: What is he doing? It is so funny. I can’t help laughing. Ah ha ha.


Fox: Thank you, Mr. Duck. You did well. You may sit down now. Next is Mr. Turtle. Go ahead.


The music is played and Mr. Turtle starts to dance. The music is slow just like Mr. Turtle. Mr. Turtle just moves back and forth. 音乐声响起,乌龟先生开始跳舞。音乐的节奏和乌龟先生的动作一样缓慢。乌龟先生只是随着音乐前后摇摆着。

Rabbit: What is Mr. Turtle doing? It’s too boring. He is no good.


Bear: The music is too slow. It’s no fun.


Fox: Thank you, Mr. Turtle. You may go in now. Who’s next? Oh yes, Mr. Bear. It’s your turn.


Bear: Thank you, Mr. Fox. I’ll try my best. Music please! One, two, cha, cha, cha. Three, four, cha, cha, cha.


All of the animals are surprised. Mr. Bear dances the Cha Cha. It seems like Mr. Bear has been practicing a lot.


Fox: Bravo, Mr. Bear! That was great! Next is Miss Rabbit. Give a big hand for Miss Rabbit.


Everyone claps their hands. Miss Rabbit starts dancing to a cheery tune. Her dance is very cute.


Fox: Thank you, Miss Rabbit. That was really cute.


Bear: You were very good, Miss Rabbit. You’ll win for sure.


Rabbit: I don’t think so, Mr. Bear. You were better.


Fox: Our final dancer is Mr. Monkey. Okay. Go ahead.


Mr. Monkey dances to techno music. He is better than Miss Rabbit and Mr. Bear. He is the best dancer. Everyone picks Mr. Monkey. 猴子先生选择的是电子音乐。他的表演比兔子小姐和熊先生还要精彩。他跳得最好。所有的动物都选猴子先生做‘森林之王’。

Fox: Gather around everyone. A new king is born! Congratulations to Mr. Monkey! You are our NEW KING!


Monkey: I knew it!!! I am the KING! You must all obey me from now on!


All the animals are shocked at Mr. Monkey’s words.


Rabbit: What’s wrong with him?


Bear: I don’t know. He must be crazy.


The Monkey King starts ordering the other animals around.


Monkey: Hey there, Bear. Get me something to eat. Rabbit, get me a drink. Turtle, fan me. Hey Fox, wash my feet.


Every day, the Monkey King becomes more and more haughty. The other animals finally can’t take it anymore.


Fox: Mr. Monkey wasn’t like this before. He used to be nice and humble. He has changed. We should teach him a lesson.


Bear: How do we do that?


Rabbit: I have an idea.


Bear: What is it?


The animals hear Miss Rabbit’s plan. They agree to go ahead with the plan. The next morning, Mr. Fox goes to the Monkey King.

动物们听了兔子小姐的计划,都表示愿意参加。 第二天,狐狸先生来到猴子国王的住处。

Fox: Monkey King, how are you today?


Monkey: Not bad.


Fox: Are you busy right now?


Monkey: No, I’m not. Why?


Fox: Well, I’ll take you to a nice place.


Monkey: Really? Where is that?


Fox: It’s a secret. But there’s lots of delicious food there. Just follow me. All of the other animals are waiting for you.


Monkey: Well then, let’s go.


The Monkey King follows Mr. Fox to a cave.


Monkey: Where is the food?


Fox: It’s inside the cave, sir. You go inside first.


Monkey: Where is the food? Where is everyone? It’s so dark in here.


As soon as the Monkey King goes into the cave, the other animals cover the cave door with rocks. The cave is closed. The Monkey King is locked inside. 猴子国王刚一走进山洞,其他的动物就用石头把洞口给堵了起来。洞口被封死了。猴子国王被关在了里面。

Monkey: Let me out! Let me out! Right now!


Rabbit: No way, Mr. Monkey. You have been a bad king! We don’t like you!


Monkey: But I am the king! Do as I say! Open the cave door.


Fox: Do it yourself. Farewell.


Monkey: No, don’t go! Wait! I’ll be a good king from now on. Please, let me out!!!


Bear: it’s too late, Mr. Monkey.


MORAL: If you act haughty because of your position, no one will like you.


有关于猴子的英语故事:The Story of the Monkey

Man’s greatest strength is wisdom, but what is wisdom? The keyto wisdom is the ability to remain composed. For example, whenyou are calculating numbers or pondering over problem ,if youare emotionally disturbed by anger, joy or grief, you are boundto make mistakes, or you may not even be able to proceed.This is something everyone understand this. They are alwaystaken over by their emotions and thus are unable to calm downto observe how things work and find solutions to their problems.

I would like to share with you a story of the monkey. In Thompson’s The Outline of Science thereis a story about a scientist who kept several chimpanzees and monkeys in order to study animalpsychology. He took a glass bottle, removed its cork and put two peanuts inside the bottle.Needless to say, the peanuts dropped to the bottom of the bottle and were easily seen from theoutside. He then passed the bottle to a monkey, who shook it frantically for a long while and wasonly able to get the peanuts when they accidentally fell out. The scientist then put some into thebottle again as he had done before and showed the monkey that it only needed to turn the bottleupside down for the peanuts to drop out. But the monkey always ignored his instructions. Eachtime it just shook the bottle frantically, with great effort but without necessarily achieving thedesired result. Now the question is why the monkey was unable to understand the instruction ofthe scientist. Simply because all its attention was focused on the peanuts.

As it was single-mindedly concentrating on reaching the food, it had no time for understanding andlearning. To learn, it must take its eyes off the peanuts and shift its attention to the handmovement of the man and the way the bottle was turned upside down. To shift its attention, ithad to claim down and not be taken over by the impulse of its appetite. Yet the monkey was notable to understand this. It is instances like this that reveal the monkey’s lack of wisdom.

Some people don’t sense problems because they are insensitive; yet it is also wrong to be excitedby a problem and lose self-control. One cannot control things unless one has understood themfirst. What difference is there between an impatient human being and monkey?

There is one more thing to note: people tend to seek solutions on the basis of what they need andmake observations in the same manner, believing that understanding and solutions will follow theirsubjective thinking. In fact this is merely self-deception or self-indulgence. The possession or lack ofwisdom depends on whether the person involved is really able to calm down and remain detached.






