冀教版六年级下册英语Unit 4期末测试试题

发布时间:2017-06-17 17:51

往往在六年级这一阶段,对于英语的学习要怎样有针对性的做练习呢?接下来不妨和小编一起来做份2017年冀教版六年级下册英语Unit 4期末测试试题,希望对各位有帮助!

2017年冀教版六年级下册英语Unit 4期末测试试题


( )1. A. small B. big C. party

( )2. A. early B. Everyone C. Late

( )3. A. cakes B. cookies C. address

( )4. A. taught B. bought C. want

( )5. A. ping-pong B. foot ball C. Gift


( ) 1. a photo of Danny ( ) 2. Christmas gifts ( )3. Get up

( )4. open the door ( )5. a birthday cake

A. 一个生日蛋糕 B. 一张丹妮的照片 C. 圣诞礼物 D起床 E开门


1. get(动词-ing形式 )______________ 2. Find(过去式 )________________

3. go(过去式)________________ 4. See( 过去式 )______________

5 .am(过去式)_______________6.come( 动词-ing形式)_________________

7.call(第三人称单数)_______________ 8.photo(复数)_______________

9.arrive(第三人称单数)______________ 10.open( 对应词)______________


early short old late new

1. My ruler is long. But his is______________.

2. It’s 7 o’clock. I can’t catch the train. I’m _______________.

3. We should help the ____________ man.

4. I got up ___________ yesterday. So I walked to school.

5. This jacket is old. But that one is ____________.


( )1. Li Ming wants to buy some_____________ for his friends.

A. gift B.present C.gits

( ) 2. I want to buy a surprise cake _____________ Jenny.

A.about B.for C.on

( )3.-----How about this one?

-----Great! ________________

A. Me, too. B. I’ll take them. C. I’ll take it.

( )4. ---How many _____________ do you have?


A.pen B.pens C.water

( )5. Kim____________ me __________ play chess yesterday.

A.teach; to B. taught; for C.taught; to

( )6.----What time does the party begin?

-----__________ 4:00.

A. On B. In C. At

( )7. I will come to the party before 5:00. Then I ______________ early.

A.will B.be C.will be

( )8. Li Ming is __________ go home next week.

A.get ready to B.gets ready to C.getting ready to

( )9.------________________ is the T-shirt?

-----Fifty yuan.

A. How many B.How much C. How long

( )10. -----Does Mr.Wu know ____________ the party?

------Yes, he does.

A.with B. on C.about

( )11. In winter,many ttrees don’t have any _____________.

A.leaf B.leaves C.leafs

( )12. I played __________ the beach in summer.

A.in B.of C.on

( )13. I will __________ in China for the summer holiday.

A.am B.is C.be

( )14. How many __________ do you need?

A.gifts B.gift C.giftes

( )15. Let’s have a surprise party ____________ him.

A.on B.for C.to


1. for this you is (连词成句)


2. 李明需要多少份礼物?(汉译英)

___________ ______________ ___________does Li Ming need?

3. The bag is 30 yuan.(就画线部分提问)

______________ _______________ is the bag?

4. ( ) would you come a party for Li Ming? ____________ (改错)


5. here did that you (连词成句)


6. sometimes play sports I my with friends (连词成句)


7. We will fly kites. (变为否定句)

We ___________ fly kites.

8. Where was Bob last Sunday?(用 on the playground 回答)


9. I need eleven gifts. (就画线部分提问)

_____________ _____________ gifts do you need?

10. I will learn to fish this summer holiday. (就画线部分提问)

___________ ____________ you do this summer holiday?


Rich:Hi, Nancy! Where did you go on your holiday?

Nancy: I went to Beijing.

Rich; Oh,really? Did you go to the Great Wall?

Nancy:Yes, I did. It is very great. I like it.

Rick: And did you go to the Summer Palace?

Nancy: Of course I did. There are a lot of things to see in Beijing. I also visited many other places, and took lots of photos.

Rick: How was the weather?

Nancy: It was dry and windy. But the people in Beijing were very friendly to visitors.

Rick: Sorry. I have to go now. Bye!

Nancy: See you next time.

( )1. Nancy and Rick are talking about the holiday.

( ) 2. Nancy didn’t go to the Great Wall because it’s dangerous.

( )3. Nancy visited the Summer Palace, but she didn’t visit other places.

( )4. It was dry and windy in Beijing.

( )5. People in Beijing were unfriendly to visitors.



要求: 调理清晰,语句通顺,不少于40个单词。

Hello! I’m Chen Jie. Tomorrow we will have the last party before we graduate from the primary school. The party will begin at 9:00 in the morning. We’ll take pictures. We’ll eat delicious food. We’ll make dumplings together. Mr. Zhang will sing a song for us. He is strict,but he is kind to us. We all like him. We will be very happy.

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