世界环境保护日英语作文 如何低碳生活
导语:世界环境日为每年的6月5日,它的确立反映了世界各国人民对环境问题的认识和态度,表达了人类对美好环境的向往和追求。它是联合国促进全球环境意识、提高政府对环境问题的注意并采取行动的主要媒介之一。 接下来小编为您推荐的是关于世界环境保护日的初中英语作文,欢迎大家进行阅读学习,更多的优秀英语作文尽在。
参考词汇:二氧化碳carbon dioxide
Low-carbon life means a kind of lifestyle in which people do their best to reduce energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions.
Then,how can we live a lowcarbon life?Firstly,we should recognize that the lowcarbon life is not only a kind of lifestyle but also a life attitude.Each of us is responsible for the greenhouse gases in our daily actions.To combat climate change we have to take the combined efforts of everyone on the planet.Secondly,we should develop good habits in our daily life.Paper cups are made from cutting forests.We should try not to use them because trees can absorb carbon dioxide and reduce greenhouse gases.Similarly,lights should be turned off when they are not used,which will greatly reduce electricity consumption.
In a word,small actions above can make a big difference.
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