
发布时间:2017-03-02 17:39





A burglary is often described as being a violation. And it's a good word for it because it's not just about what is physically taken, it's about what is emotionally done to the person being robbed. I had suffered no physical assault, but when I sat down to describe what I could to the police over a strong cup of tea, I felt as though I'd been beaten up.The upset wasn't to do with the things that had been stolen - most of that is replaceable and insured, it wasn't the ransacking of personal property, or the time-consuming pain of having to fill out claim forms. It was more the unsettling questions that the burglary had stirred up: What if they'd been armed? What if they come back? Why did this happen?There was a fear that lingered long after the thieves have fled. Even when writing this on the laptop that wasn't stolen I was more conscious of noises coming from the street, suspicious of a person walking a little too slowly up my road. I even bolted the door. I can get all the super-duper alarm systems I like, but will they take away my fear? I'm angry at those thieves for taking my things but I'll be more annoyed if they rob me of my peace.



Wandering in Brazilian Forest漫步巴西森林

February 29th, 1832


The day has past delightfully. Delight itself, however, is a weak term to express the feelings of anaturalist who, for the first time, has been wandering by himself in a Brazilian forest. Among themultitude of striking objects, the general luxuriance of the vegetation bears away the victory.The elegance of the grasses, the novelty of the parasitical plants, the beauty of the flowers,the glossy green of the foliage, all tend to this end. A most paradoxical mixture of sound andsilence pervades the shady parts of the wood. The noise from the insects is so loud, that itmay be heard even in a vessel anchored several hundred yards from the shore; yet within therecesses of the forest a universal silence appears to reign. To a person fond of naturalhistory, such a day as this, brings with it a deeper pleasure than he ever can hope again toexperience. After wandering about for some hours, I returned to the landing-place; but, beforereaching it. I was overtaken by a tropical storm. 1 tried to find shelter under a tree which wasso thick that it would never have been penetrated by common English rain; but here, in a coupleof minutes, a little torrent flowed down the trunk. It is to this violence of the rain we mustattribute the verdure at the bottom of the thickest woods: if the showers were like those of acolder climate, the greater part would be absorbed or evaporated before it reached the ground.I will not at present attempt to describe the gaudy scenery of this noble bay, because, in ourhomeward voyage, we called here a second time, and I shall then have occasion to remark on it.


The geology of the surrounding country possesses little interest. Throughout the coast ofBrazil, and certainly for a considerable space inland from the Rio Plata to Cape St. Roque, lat. 5° S., a distance of more than 2000 geographical miles, wherever solid rock occurs, it belongsto a granitic formation. The circumstance of this enormous area being thus constituted ofmaterials, which almost every geologist believes have been crystallized by the action of heatunder pressure, gives rise to many curious reflections. Was this effect produced beneath thedepths of a profound ocean? Or did a covering of strata formerly extend over it, which hassince been removed? Can we believe that any power, action for a time short of infinity, couldhave denuded the granite over so many thousand square leagues?



At the Sleepy Hollow睡谷经历

August 12, 1841


After leaving the book at Mr. Emerson's, I returned through the woods, and entering SleepyHollow, I perceived a lady reclining near the path which bends along its verge. It was Margaretherself. She had been there the whole afternoon, meditating or reading; for she had a book inher hand, with some strange title, which I did not understand and have forgotten. She saidthat nobody had broken her solitude, and was just giving utterance to a theory that noinhabitant of Concord ever visited Sleep Hollow, when we saw a whole group of people enteringthe sacred precincts. Most of them followed a path which led them remote from us; but an oldman passed near us, and smiled to see Margaret lying on the ground, and me sitting by herside. He made some remark about the beauty of the afternoon, and withdrew himself into theshadow of the wood. Then we talked about Autumn-and about the pleasures of getting lost inthe woods-and about the crows, whose voices Margaret had heard-and about the experiencesof early childhood. whose influence remains upon the character after the recollection of themhas passes away-and about the sight of mountains from a distance, and the view from theirsummits-and about other matters of high and low philosophy. In the midst of our talk, weheard footsteps above us, on the high bank; and while the intruder was still hidden among thetrees, he called to Margaret, of whom he had gotten a glimpse. Then he emerged from thegreen shade; and, behold, it was Mr. Emerson, who, in spite of his clerical consecration, hadfound no better way of spending the Sabbath than to ramble among the woods. He appearedto have had a pleasant time; for he said that there were Muses in the woods today, andwhispers to be heard in the breezes. It being now nearly six o'clock, we separated, Mr.Emerson and Margaret towards his home, and I towards mine, where my little wife was verybusy getting tea.


Last evening there was the most beautiful moonlight that ever hallowed this earthly world; andwhen I went to bathe in the river, which was as calm as death, it seemed like plunging down intothe sky. But I would rather be on earth than even in the seventh heaven, just now.

