
发布时间:2017-03-15 04:54


中文: 复兴

复兴的英语: revive; resurge; rejuvenate; resuscitate; rebound ;



Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.




The revival of our country depends on our young generation.


These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance.


It is our destiny to be alive during a renaissance epoch.


The news media is experiencing a renaissance.


But there is still no serious effort to revive energy research.


Religion is experiencing a revival.


The body of the third part focuses on the revival of rail transit performance.


But those attributes are not sufficient to ensure a revival.

1. Booth was a revivalist intent on his Christian vocation. 布思是一个坚定不移地奉行其基督徒天职的宗教复兴 运动者。

2. Revitalising the Romanian economy will be a long haul. 罗马尼亚经济的复兴 将是一项长期而艰巨的工作。

3. Popular art is experiencing a renaissance. 通俗艺术正在复兴 。

4. There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival. 出现了鼓舞人心的艺术复兴 的迹象。

5. to experience a renaissance 经历复兴

6. He promised that within 100 days he would put the country on the path to economic recovery. 他许诺在100天内让国家走上经济复兴 之路。

7. Barbadian-born Frank Collymore was at the heart of the West Indian literary renaissance in the '40s and '50s. 出生在巴巴多斯的弗兰克·科利摩尔是20世纪四五十年代西印度群岛文学复兴 运动的核心人物。

8. The revival of the railway service will be immensely beneficial for the speedymovement of passengers and cargo. 铁路运输的复兴 对加快客货运送大有助益.

9. This is a significant force in a renascent economy and create a large number of employment opportunities. 这是复兴 经济和创造就业机会的一股重要力量。

10. The World Bank was created with European reconstruction in mind. 世界银行是考虑到为欧洲复兴 而创建的.

11. The EEC further stimulate the renaissance of Western Europe. 这一共同体进一步刺激了西欧的复兴 .

12. His achievement was the high - water mark of Europe's restoration. 他的成功就是欧洲复兴 的高潮标记.

13. These five years were marked by very considerable recovery at home. 在这五年期间,国内的复兴 有了可观的成绩.

14. Removal of NRA restrictions on production perhaps gave one stimulus. 国家复兴 管理局对生产限制的撤除可能是个刺激.

15. The United States is beginning an economic renaissance. 美国开始进入经济复兴 时代.

16. The fine arts revived during the Renaissance. 在文艺复兴时期美术复兴 了.

17. Their aim is to regenerate British industry. 他们的目的是复兴 英国的工业.

18. This method is now undergoing a slow revival. 目前这种方法正在慢慢复兴 .

19. It was the sign of the regeneration of the human race. It'superseded theGross. 它是人类复兴 的象征, 取代了十字架的地位.

20. So far we have been dealing only with the Saracenic share in the Europeanrevival. 迄今为止,我们涉及到的只是欧洲复兴 中阿拉伯人的那一份.
