
发布时间:2017-06-01 13:11



1. 步行去某地|go to …on foot =walk ..to

2. 飞往某地fly to …=go to ….by plane

3. 等待…wait for ….迫不及待做can’t wait to do

4. 超过over=more than

5. 一个半小时an hour and a half==one and a half hours 一年半one year and a half =one and a half years 太…much too +形、副

6. 太多的too many+名词复数/too much + 不可数

7. 因为because +句子、because of +名词/doing

8. 下面的,…以下below 在…正下方under

9. enough用法:enough +名词,形+enough (名前形后)

10. 足够的钱enough money .good enough足够好

11. 一碗大米a bowl of rice

12. 如此…结果…so +形that+句子(so…that )

13. 太…而不能too+ 形+to do (too…to do )

14. 听起来很好sound great.(sound +形)

15. 第二天the next day

16. 忘记去做forget to do忘记做过forget doing

17. 三天后(过去时)3 days later=after 3 days

18. 沿路along the way

19. 停止去干stop to do 停止正在干的stop doing

20. 另外两个小时another 2 hours ==2 more hours


1.去度假go on vacation

2.去山里go to the mountains

3.呆在家里stay at home

4.拜访某人/参观某地visit sb/visit sw(某地)

5.去夏令营go camping

6.在图片里、在地图里in the picture /in the map

7.备战考试study for the tests

8.有趣的事情something interesting 不定+形容

9.be + 形,形+名,动+副

10.打排球play volleyball 球类不加the

11.弹钢琴play the piano 西乐要加the

12.你要和谁一起去Who did you go with?

13.你要和某人一起去吗?Did you go with anyone?

14.好久不见Long time no see!

15.拍照片take photos of sb

16.许多,大量的a lot of =lots of =quite a few =many =much =hundreds of

17.有一些(肯定)a few +名词复数

18. 几乎没有(否定)few+名词复数

19. 有一些(肯定)a little +不可数名词

20. 几乎没有(否定)little +不可数名词


1. 到达arrive in +大,arrive at +小=reach…=get to

2. 决定做、decide to do

3. 下定决心做make a decision to do

4. 尽力做某事try to do =try one’s best to do =do one’s best to do

5. 尝试做try doing

6. 试穿try on

7. 感觉像feel like +句子、feel like +名词/doing

8. 50….中的许多many of /一些some of /both of 两个/either of 两个中任一个/neither of 两者中没一个

9. 想知道wonder =want to know

10. 在过去in the past

11. 到处走动walk around …

12. what感叹句:What a/an +形+名词单数!

13. What+ 形+ 名词复数!

14. how感叹句:How+形/副 How+形/副 the …

15. 判断方法:去小句看尾词,有名用what,无名就用how

16. 与…是不相通的be different from

17. A和B相同之处the differences between A and B

18. 向上走去walk up to…

19. 在…的顶部at the top of …

20. 开始做某事start to do /start doing

坐火车去…take the train to …=go to
