
发布时间:2017-06-02 09:16



英语中有许多心理状态的动词,它们都是及物动词,大都含有“使……”的意思。常见的有:amaze使惊奇, amuse使快乐、使好笑, astonish使惊奇, annoy使烦恼, bore使厌烦, irritate使恼怒, worry使担忧, delight使高兴, disappoint使失望, discourage使沮丧, dumbfound使目瞪口呆,move使感动, encourage使受鼓舞, excite使兴奋, frighten使害怕, inspire使受鼓舞, interest使感兴趣, please使高兴,fascinate使着迷, puzzle使迷惑, relax使放松, satisfy使满意, surprise使惊奇, terrify使害怕, tire使疲劳, trouble使麻烦, upset使不安, confuse使混乱, bewilder使迷惑, depress使沮丧, disgust使厌恶。这些动词的用法有以下特点:

1. 这些动词作谓语时,其宾语只能是表示人的名词或代词;主语大多为表示引起某种感情的事或物的名词。如:

The good service here satisfied the tourists. 这儿的良好服务使游客感到满意。

His speech inspired us all a great deal. 他的演讲使我们大家倍受鼓舞。

2. 这些动词的现在分词常与物连用,在句中既可作定语又可作表语。如:

This is a boring report. 这是一个令人厌烦的报告。

The situation was more puzzling than ever before. 局势变得更加捉摸不定。

3. 这些动词的过去分词常与人连用,在句中作表语或定语。如:

The excited children couldn't go to sleep all night long.


We were disappointed at his words. 听了他的话,我们很失望。

4. 有时也可见到这些动词的现在分词和人连用,过去分词与物连用的现象,但有时在意思上有所不同。如:

She is an amusing girl. 她是一个讨人喜欢的女孩。

There was puzzled expression on his face. 他脸上流露出迷惑不解的表情。


There was a puzzling expression on his face. 他的脸上流露出令人不解的表情。

5. 这些动词的被动形式表示主动意思,其后面引起心理反应的人或物,常用by, with, at引导。如:

She is bored with his flatteries. 她听腻了他的奉承话。

We were surprised about his lucky success. 我们对他的侥幸成功感到惊奇。

6. 这些动词的名词形式有些可以构成“to one's + 名词”短语,意为“使某人……的是”。如:to one's surprise使惊奇的是, to one's satisfaction使某人满意的是, to one's disappointment使某人失望的是, to one's astonishment使某人震惊的是, to one's amusement使某人好笑的是, to one's interest使某人感兴趣的是,等等。


1. 动词的ing形式包括动名词和现在分词,二者都可作表语。如:

Our job is playing all kinds of music . ( 动名词 )

The music they are playing sounds so exciting . ( 现在分词 )

注:一般来讲,动名词 ( 短语 ) 作表语,主表可互换,即:Playing all kinds of music is our job.


2. - ing形式做定语可以表示

1 ) 所修饰名词的用途

a waiting room ( = a room for waiting ) / a walking stick ( = a stick for walking )

2 ) 所修饰名词正在进行的动作,可以换成定语从句形式

a waiting man ( = a man who is waiting ) / a sleeping child ( = a child who is sleeping )

3. 在see , hear , feel , watch , notice等感观动词后可以用 - ing形式做宾语补足语。这时 - ing形式和句子的宾语之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,并且 - ing形式表示宾语正在进行的动作。如:

He saw a girl getting on the tractor. ( = He saw a girl and the girl was getting on the tractor . )

Do you hear someone knocking at the door?

1).做宾语补足语We watched three boys sharing their food with each other.

2).做主语补足语She was heard singing in the next room.

3).做表语和定语My job is teaching English. /a walking stick/a waiting room


The girl singing now is a classmate of mine.


He sat at the desk reading a magazine.

Being very young, he can't dress himself.

Having finished all the work, they went to the shore.

Her parents died, leaving her a big house.



1. 延续性动词

也有人叫它持续性动词,它表示能够延续的动作,这种动作可以长时间延续下去或产生持久的影响。英语中的延续性动词比较多,如study, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。

He worked all day in the fields. 他在地里干了一天。

I waited for you for an hour. 我等你等了一个钟头。

He stayed in London for over a month. 他在伦敦待了一个多月。

He watched them eating. 他瞧着他们吃饭。

2. 非延续性动词

非延续性动词,也有人叫它终止性动词、短暂性动词、瞬间动词,它表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。这类动词常见的有begin, buy, close, come, die, fail, find, finish, go, join, kill, leave, lend, lose, sell, start, stop, borrow等。如:

They reached the village in the afternoon. 下午他们抵达那个村子。

I haven't finished the work yet. 这项工作我还没有干完。

She stood up and left the room. 她站起身走出房去。

3. 与完成时连用


He has lived here for ten 10 years. 他在这里住了10年了。

He has just arrived. 他刚刚到达。

上面两句的谓语都用了现在完成时,但第一句中的动词live是延续性动词,而第二句中的动词arrive为非延续性动词。两者真正不同的是,延续动词根据需要可以连用一段时间,而非延续性动词通常不能连用一段时间,所以第一句中的live可以连用一段时间for ten years,第二句中的arrive则不可以连用类似for ten years这样的一段时间。

4. 非延续性动词的如何变为延续性动词


begin / start→be on die→be dead come / go→be in

borrow→keep finish→be over leave→be away

buy→have get to know→know join→be in / be a member of



误:The sports meeting has begun for three days.

正:The sports meeting has been on for three days.


误:He has joined the Party for 10 years.

正:He has been in the Party for 10 years.

正:He has been a Party member for 10 years.


误:He has died for three years.

正:He has been dead for three years.

5. 在否定句中的用法

非延续性动词不能与一段时间连用,这通常只限于肯定句,在否定句中则没有这样的限制——因为所有的非延续性动词一旦被否定,就成了一种状态,而所有的状态都是可以持续的。如leave(离开)是非延续性动词,而not leave(没有离开)则是一种状态,因为“没有离开”其实就是“呆在原处”,相当于still stay there之类的意思,所以它是延续了。如:

误:He has left here for three years. 他离开这儿有三年了。

正:He hasn't left here for three years. 他已有三年没离开这儿了。
