"帆船之都" 奥克兰英语简介

发布时间:2016-12-02 00:50

奥克兰是新西兰在北岛最大的城市,被称为“帆之都”,同时也是新西兰工业和商业中心和经济贸易中心。全球最重要的跨国公司都在奥克兰设有办事处,奥克兰事实上也是新西兰的“经济首都”。奥克兰是新西兰对外贸易、旅游的门户,是重要的公路、铁路和航空交通枢纽。奥克兰市是新西兰最大最繁忙的商业金融中心,新西兰的股票交易所及多家大银行的总部就设在这里。现今的奥克兰仍然为新西兰最发达的地区之一,同时也是南太平洋的枢纽,旅客出入境的主要地点。在2015年的世界最佳居住城市评选中,奥克兰高居全球第三位,这也是连续三年奥克兰蝉联全球最适宜城市前三名。下面小编为大家带来旅游英语"帆船之都" 奥克兰英语简介,欢迎大家阅读!

"帆船之都" 奥克兰英语简介:

Nestled between the sparkling waters of two large harbours is Auckland, the largest city of New Zealand. Auckland is affectionately known as" the City of Sails".

Most of the residents of Auckland love sailing very much, and they are preoccupied by three B's: beaches, boats and barbecues. They take every available opportunity to desert their homes in droves to head for the nearest beach or boat harbour, armed with battered barbecue sets and polystyrene "chilly bins" packed full with ice-cold beer. It is really a magnificent scene. And towards the end of January, an annual sailing competition is held, in which up to l, 000 sailing boats compete on the Waitemate Harbour. That is the sporting highlight of the year of Auckland.

But who can blame Aucklanders? They happened to be blessed with two beautiful harbours, scores of swimming beaches in which people can swim, a coast line dotted with secluded offshore islands, sophisticated living standards and a summer climate that insist on outdoor life.

"帆船之都" 奥克兰英语简介


Queen Street is Auckland's traditional main street or "Golden Mile", offering the best range of shopping. All the shops and big department stores of the city are gathered in this street. It is the best commercial center of New Zealand. Souvenir and sheepskin shops sell hand-made woolen garments, Maori carvings, greenstone (jade) ornaments, shell jewelry, opossum fur coats and wooly car-seat covers.


The bottom of Queen Street is occupied by Queen Elizabeth Square which contains the Central Post Office, Downtown Complex and Air Zealand. The Square is a favorite haunt of lunchtime office workers, soapbox orators and protest marchers bewailing grievance ranging from visits by nuclear ships to stingy kindergarten funding. A gaily colored fruit for offers kiwi fruit, feijoas, tamarillos, pepino, kumara and other fresh New Zealand products while a Danish icecream parlour tempts the sweeter tooth.


Sitting majestically opposite to the Downtown Complex on the corner of Customs and Albert streets is the Old Customhouse which is the financial heart of Auckland for more than 80 years.

Designed in French Renaissance style, the building was completed in 1889 and is one of the last remaining examples of Monumental Victorian architecture to be found in the central business district. Open seven days a week, the Old Customhouse houses a cinema, arts and crafts emporium, gift shop, restaurants, tavern, coffee bar and shop selling, wood and woolen products.


Ten minutes' walk to the west of the Old Customhouse are the Victoria Pat Markets. The markets are located on the disused site of the city's former rubbish destructor.

Completed in l905, the yellow brick buildings were opened by Mayor Aithur Myers, who was hauled to the top of the 40-metre chimney in a ship's bo' sun chair to lay the final brick. The historic site now offers seven-day buying at fruit, vegetable, fish and craft shops or hawkers barrows and food stalls.














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