
发布时间:2017-05-03 13:08




The Singing Lark

A long time ago, there once lived a father who had three daughters. One day, before he left for a long journey, he said to his daughters, "When I come back what gifts should I bring back for you?" The eldest daughter wanted pearls and the second daughter wanted diamonds. However the youngest daughter wanted a singing lark.

The Singing Lark

Father promised to bring back the gifts and left for his journey. Several months later, Father had finished his journey and returned. He brought back the eldest and the second daughter's presents, but he was not able to get his youngest daughter's gift. And because he loved his youngest daughter the most, he felt very sad.

One day as he was resting in the forest, there up on the big tree he saw a singing lark. He went up the tree to get the singing lark. All of a sudden, a lion came and said, "Who came to take away my singing lark?"

"If you wish to take this bird, when I go to your house, give me the first thing that comes running out. Can you promise me?" Father was worried that his youngest daughter would come out, but because he was afraid of the lion he gave his word to the lion.

When he arrived, as expected, the youngest daughter came running out without even putting on her shoes. Father told the youngest daughter the whole truth. The youngest daughter consoled her father and said, she would try to persuade the lion.

As soon as she arrived, the lion turned into a prince. The prince was cast upon a spell, during the day he was a lion and at night he lived as a prince.

She married the prince. They also had children. Soon afterward, a few days later, a message came that her second sister was getting married. The youngest wanted to go to the wedding with her prince. However, if the prince saw daylight he would be turned into a pigeon and fly around for seven years.

But, because his wife wanted to go together, he started for his journey. The wife was good at blocking away the sunlight. However, inside the church there was a hole in the window and one stream of sunlight came in.

So the prince turned into a pigeon and flew away. The wife for seven years searched for the pigeon.

She prayed to god to help her. "Dear god, please show me where he is." God replied that he was about to marry a princess from another country.

She then went into the castle secretly and whispered to the prince. "Prince, you are my husband. You must leave with me." All of a sudden the prince's spell was broken. The prince was under the terrible princess spell, and was just about to marry her.

The prince and his wife left for their own country. When they arrived home, their child had grown up quite a bit too. And they lived happily ever after for a long time.


The Virgin Mary's child

A long time ago there lived a poor woodcutter and his wife. This couple had a daughter. However, they were so poor that they couldn't even feed their daughter.

Then one day, while the woodcutter was chopping wood in the forest a beautiful Virgin Mary appeared. "Since you are living a hard life, why don't you give me your daughter. I will take good care of her for you." "Yes, I understand." The Virgin Mary carried the child and went up into the heaven.

The child was able to eat delicious food, wear nice clothes, become friends with the angels and lived happily. When the child turned 14years olds, the Virgin Mary left for a long journey.

"While I am gone take care of these 13 keys to heaven. Out of the 13 keys you may open 12 of them, however, you must never open the last key. If you open that door, unhappiness will come upon you." "Yes, I will keep in mind."

As soon as the Virgin Mary left, the little girl started opening door by door. The little girl who had opened all the twelve doors wanted to open the last door as well. Just then her fingers turned intoglimmering gold.

A little while later, Virgin Mary returned. When Virgin Mary saw the little girl's finger, she knew that the little girl had not kept her promise. "Did you open the 13th door?" "No, I never opened it." Virgin Mary wanted to give the little girl another chance and asked her two more times. However, the little girl kept lying.

The angry virgin Mary sent the little girl back to earth. When she woke up from her sleep she knew that she was sent to earth and started to cry. However, she was not able to make a sound.

The little girl lived in a oak tree in the forest. Then one day, a prince who was out hunting discovered the little girl. "Who are you?" The little girl could not answer.

Even though the little girl could not utter a word, because she was so beautiful the prince fell in love. And he married the little girl.

A year later the queen bore a son. That night the Virgin Mary went to the queen. "Confess that you opened the 13th door. If you don't, I will take your son away." "No, I never opened it." So, the Virgin Mary took the child and ran away with it.

Afterward, the queen had another son and a daughter, but Virgin Mary took all of them to heaven. From the people, there was a rumor that the queen was a wicked witch. The queen wanted to tell them, but she could not speak.

Eventually, the queen was sentence to death. The queen was set upon the fire post. It was just then, that the queen's heart began to melt. The queen thought, "if only I had confessed that I had opened the door! All of a sudden, she was able to speak.

"Yes, virgin Mary, I did open that door." Just then, rain came pouring down from the sky and turned out the fire. And then the virgin Mary carried down the three children and spoke tenderly. "Whoever, confesses and repents their sins will be forgiven." Afterwards, the queen lived happily for a very long time.


The Old Man and His Grandson

A long time ago there lived a very old man. He was so old that he could not see or hear very well. He also could not walk very well, or eat very well for his hand shook. The old man's son and daughter in law thought he was a nuisance. So, they had him to eat his meals squatted in the corner, behind the stove.

They gave him very little to eat. The old man would have sad look on his face as he looked at his son and daughter in law's dinner table. One day the old man's hand shook so terribly that he dropped his dish on the floor. The daughter in law started lecturing and scolding. And from that day, his meals were served in a shabby dish.

Not long afterwards, the family was sitting having their dinner. When, their four year old grandson was sitting on the floor carefully laying out and checking each of branches. The father asked, "What are you doing?" "I am making a small barrel."

"Why are you making it?" The son answered, "So that I can fill it with yours and mother'sportion of food, when I grow up."

The old man's son and daughter in law looked at one another and without saying a word started weeping. The two quickly brought their old father to their dinner table. From that day on, the old man sat with the family when they had their meals. Even when the old man spilt his food here and there, the son and the daughter in law did not say a word.
