If you thought your life was over when you hit 30 or 40, then bad news - it may have happened much earlier。
Most people have enjoyed the best memories of their life by the age of 25, according to new research。
A survey of retired people found the life changing highlights etched on their brains happened before they reached age of 25.
It is the first study of its kind to use a ‘naturalistic approach’ by collecting free flowing stories in which participants were asked to narrate their own biographies in just 30 minutes。
A week later they divided these into self defined‘chapters' which revealed a dramatic ‘reminiscence bump’ between 17 and 24-years-old - when many people defined these parts beginning and ending。
Psychologist Kristina Steiner, of the University of New Hampshire in the US, said: "When people look back over their lives and recount their most important memories, most divide their life stories into chapters defined by important moments that are universal for many: a physical move, attending college, a first job, marriage, military experience, and having children."
美国新罕布什尔大学的心理学家克里斯蒂娜 施泰纳说:“当人们回顾人生,追忆对他们最重要的事情时,大多数人把他们的人生故事划分成由许多重要时刻标记的章节:一次身体接触、上大学、第一份工作、结婚、参军以及生小孩。这些重要的时刻对许多人来说都是通用的。”
In the study, all the participants were white, and three in four of them had earned at least an undergraduate degree。