
发布时间:2017-03-23 16:22





英 [pʊʃ] 美 [pʊʃ]


Push Notification


推送技术 Push technology

邮件推送 push mail

知识推送 Knowledge Push

提醒推送 Push notifications

主动推送 active push

推送系统 push system

推送模式 Push mode


1. The address of the specified field is pushed onto the stack.


2. The push of death has swung her into life.


3. It'll offer two phones both featuring Blackberry's exclusive push - mail application.

推出的两款黑莓手机具备特有的 电子邮件 推送程序.

4. We sit upon swing, the storm wild push from behind.

坐在秋千上, 狂风从后面猛烈地推送.

5. An object reference ( or pointer ) is pushed onto the stack.

将对象引用 ( 或指针 ) 推送到堆栈上.

6. Push technology has changed the way to get information and provide information.


7. Knowledge push has been a new research field in knowledge management.


8. The simulation and experimental results verify feasibility of the contactless energy bi - directional push mode.

通过仿真及实验研究,证明了非接触电能 双向 推送模式的可行性.

9. The clouds, higher than usual, swept across the sky before the tearing winds.

云块比往常更高, 在烈风推送下,它们在天空疾驰而过.

10. The perfect E - control system will bring out automatic feed - in, compress, and bale rejection.

电控程序完善,能够实现自动送料压包, (推送, 绞丝)计量,出包等.

11. However , the Web based push technology can help library to provide active information services.

基于Web的 信息推送技术可以帮助图书馆开展主动信息服务.

12. These include search engines, push technology, expert systems, groupware, workflow, document management and databases.

这些技术包括搜索引擎 、 推送技术 、 专家系统 、 群件 、 工作流程 、 文档管理和数据库等.

13. Science and technology get a lot of attention because of the new gadgets spin out.


14. Unwinding of jumbo roll is pushed by step - less speed - regulator to stable material tension during unwinding.


15. We sit upon a swing, and the storm winds give us a wild push from behind.

我们坐在秋千上, 狂风从后面猛烈地推送我们.
