
发布时间:2017-05-26 20:46




1.Simple sentences into complicated ones(划线地方考填空)---十道题中考四道 4) Such an attitude would emphasize 7) The piano player began to sing loudly

2.Simple sentences into compound ones(并列句)从中选择几个考

A) using a semicolon(;)

1.He looks so old and frail;he has been ill.

2.I was very embarrassed;I didn't know what I should do.

3.Parents cannot impose their ideas on their children;they should treat their children as independent individual.

B)using a comma,and a coordinating conjunction(for/and/nor/but/or/yet/so) ,+并列连词

1.His mother is already 60 years old,yet she still works every day.(something unexpected)

2.Today at school Mr. Moore brought in his pet rabbit,and he showed it to the class.(addition)

2).You donnot know me,but I know your son.(difference/contrast)

3)We should find ways to apologize to people,or we should take some action to right any wrongdoing.(alternative)

4)Doors and windows directly control the flow of air through the house,so their location and design need careful consideration.(conclusion or result)

C)using a semicolon and an independent marker ;

1.He is very busy preparing IELTS;therefore,he has no time to play.(result)

2.I'd like to go with you;however,my hands are full.(difference/contrast)

3.Some girls are very diligent;therefore,they may prove superior to ordinay boys.(result)

4.Jim studied at home for his chemistry quiz;however,it was hard to concentrate because of the noise.(difference/contrast)

5.The dress is pretty;it is also inexpensive.(addition)

The dress is pretty;besides,it is inexpensive.

The dress is pretty;and it is inexpensive

3.simple sentence into complex ones





考题二:请以重庆应用技术学院建筑系系主任王勇(学校会改)的名义给美国的著名建筑学专家Dr.Robert White 写一封邀请函,邀请他于今年10月光临该校讲学,并诚恳地希望他能接受邀请。收信人地址:State University of New York,685 Baldy Hall ,New York 14260


Chongqing College of Applied Technology

P. R. China

May 10,2003

Dr.Robert White

State University of New York

685 Baldy Hall,New York 14260


Dear Dr.White,

We are pleased to learn that your work in the field of architecture is well known; I would like to invite you to our college to give us a lecture in October this year. Architecture has always been the top priority in the Chongqing College of Applied Technology,and we would be honored to have you speak to us.

I sincerely hope that you could give us a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Wang Yong

Wang Yong

Dean of the Architecture





To:All Employees.

FROM:Daniel Kramer,General Manager.

DATE:March 12.2005.


EASY line were installed two years ago to give all employees easier telephone access to our customers and suppliers in other parts of the country. In fact,our company's growth rate has increased since then,and we attribute at least part of that growth to the new telephone system.

As sales have increased,so have our telephone bills.Unfortunately,however,in the past few months those bills have been growing faster than sales.It seems that a few individuals have been using the long-distance lines to make personal calls.Needless to say,this abuse of the EASY Lines must stop.Not only does it reduce our profit, and hence the amount available for profit sharing by all employees, but it also ties up lines that might be needed for business calls.

Please do your part to keep our company profitable and healthy.If you absolutely must make a personal long-distance call during business hours,please charge it to your own home telephone.Your colleagues will appreciate your consideration.


Fire Charger Exporting Co.,Ltd.

Date:December 25,2004.

Present:Dr.Owen Smith(Chair),Bruce Li, Carl Black,Leo Brown,Angel Wang

Apologies for absence:Susan Tim

The year-end sales meeting of Fire Charger Exporting Co.,Ltd. was held at the Meeting Room 301,1:30 p.m.,December 25,2004.The meeting was called to order and presided over by Dr.Owen Smith,president. None Bruce Li Sales Manager,reported the year-end sale of 1000,000 items,12,000 out of the planned amount. Total revenue was $280,000

Carl Black presented the report of the marketing expenditure.A trial advertising was be released on January 25,2005. It was moved by Leo Brown,seconded by Angel Wang,that about $3,000 be spent on the promotional efforts on the target market located in Argentina.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.

Eagles Samuel




To whom it may concern:敬启者:

I have known Allian Sillite since 1988 when he came to the Business School,Curtin University.Allian had come to participate in the Masters Coursework programme

Run by the School.

He was rapidly involved in many activities both within the school and with a number of

non-governmental organizations. He became a most respected and popular tutor on the first year Economics Course and was asked to design and implement training programs for the Triple Trust Organization(TTO)offers very broadly based support services for emerging entrepreneurs in the township areas surrounding Perth.

Allian successfully completed the coursework component of the Masters program and then set about documenting his experiences in the training field to develop a framework for other such programs.Such pathbreaking work was this that I have personally had a number of

non-governmental organizations involved in the training of micro enterprise entrepreneurs request a copy of Allian's thesis.

A very friendly disposition(性情),a keen social conscience(强烈的社会道德、良知) and an admirable work ethic make Allian a valuable asset in any organization. His interest in Economics extends well beyond the narrow confines of the course syllabi(狭隘的教学计划/大纲),to the implementation of policy (达到可以指定政策的程度)while will make a difference to those at the lower end of the income distribution.

Allian's academic background,his teaching experience,and his track record in the field of micro enterprise development (在小型企业发展领域的无人能及的业绩/贡献)are testing(见证) to his dedication(奉献),energy and enthusiasm with while he tackles any project at hand.

I am very happy to recommend Allian to any potential employer,as I am confident that he will justify my confidence in him.

Dylan Thomas


老师说是考 基本概念 企业信息化 生命周期 成熟度模型 信息化战略规划方法 一、内容 填空 基本概念 二、 判断 理由论证 正确 为什么 2 3个 软件就是一个信息化系统 几个方面讲 三、案例分析 问题解答 分析发展阶段哪个阶段 怎么判断 策略是什么 是否成功 为什么 理由 与案例结合 信息化失败 几种
