
发布时间:2017-06-13 14:34



1. at one time同时;曾经,一度

2. at one's best处在最好状态

3. at other times平时

4. at peace处于和平(或和睦)状态

5. at present目前,现在

6. at regular intervals每隔一定时间(距离)

7. at one's heels紧跟在某人的后面

8. at one's disposal任某人处理

9. at sight of一看见

10. at stake在危险中;危如累卵

11. at table在餐桌边,在进餐时

12. at that rate那样的话;照那种情形

13. at that就那样,就这样;而且

14. at the cost of以…为代价

15. at the expense of归…付费

16. at the instance of应…之请,经…的提议

17. at the latest最迟,至迟

18. at the mercy of在…支配下

19. at the moment此刻,目前;那时

20. at the same time同时,然而,不过

21. at the thought of一想起…(就)

22. at this rate这样的话,照此速度

23. at times有时,不时

24. at work(人)在工作;忙于

25. at worst在最坏的情况下


1. attach importance to认为重要

2. attach importance to重视

3. attach oneself to依附;参加党派

4. attach to使属于,使参加

5. attain to达到(理想的状态)

6. attend on照顾,侍候

7. attend to专心;照顾,护理

8. back and forth(前后)来回地,往返

9. back away逐渐后退

10. back down off放弃,让步,退却

11. back of在…的后面;在…背后

12. back out of收回(诺言等)

13. back up支持,援助;倒退

14. based on以…为基础

15. be able to能,会

16. be about to即将(做)

17. be absorbed in专心致力于…

18. be abundant in…富于,…丰富

19. be accustomed to习惯于

20. be acquainted with开始认识;开始了解

21. be addicted to沉溺于;使吸毒成瘾

22. be adequate for适合

23. be alike to与…相同,与…相似

24. be alive to对…敏感,觉察,关心

25. be all ears全神贯注地倾听着


1. at all times无论何时,一直

2. at all完全,根本;到底

3. at any cost不惜任何代价

4. at any rate不管怎样,反正

5. at any rate无论如何;至少

6. at any time在任何时候

7. at best充其量,至多

8. at ease自由自在;舒适,舒坦

9. at first sight乍一看(之下)

10. at first最初,首先,开始时候

11. at full speed以全速

12. at hand在手边;在附近

13. at heart在内心里;实质上

14. at home在家,在国内;自在

15. at intervals不时;相隔一定的距离

16. at large完全地;详尽地

17. at last最终,终于

18. at least至少,最低限度

19. at length最后,终于

20. at longest(把日期)至多,最晚

21. at lowest至少,最低

22. at most最多,至多,不超过

23. at night天黑时;在夜里

24. at no time决不,在任何时候都不

25. at once[2t 'w3ns]立刻,马上;同时
