
发布时间:2016-11-10 13:04



作 者: 刘玉玲

出 版 社: 对外经贸大学出版社

条 形 码: 9787566306739

I S B N : 9787566306739 出版时间: 2013-5-1

开 本: 16开 页 数: 155

定 价: 20 元





unit 1

text: statement at the opening plenary session of the unitednations summit on

climate change

grammar: adverbial clause of time

unit 2

text: invisible barriers

grammar: adverbial clause of place

unit 3

text: business law-contract and agency

grammar: adverbial clause of manner

unit 4

text: keynote speech at economic dialogue under the framework ofthe china-us

strategic and economic dialogues

grammar: adverbial clause of concession

unit 5

text: product positi0ning

grammar: adverbial clause of condition

unit 6

text: a changing china in a changing world

grammar: adverbial clause of reason

unit 7

text: strategies of transnational corporations

grammar: adverbial clause of purpose

unit 8

text: international stock exchange of uk

grammar: adverbial clause of result

unit 9

text: development issues (i)

grammar: adverbial clause of comparison

unit 10

text: development issues (ii)

grammar: revision

unit 11

text: investment demand

grammar: subject-verb agreement

unit 12

text: foreign exchange trading

grammar: emphatical it

unit 13

text: international marketing research and steps

grammar: inversion

unit 14

text: balance of payments

grammar: subjunctive mood (i)

unit 15

text: international financial system meets challenge

grammar: subjunctive mood (ii)

unit 16

text: economy theory and dumping

grammar: revision

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