英语必修二单词及语言点总结 Unit 2

发布时间:2016-11-14 13:39

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Unit 2 The Olympic Games

Word usage

1. honest adj. of someone who does not lies or steal; not hiding the truth or facts

All my life I have tried to be an honest man.

All this is honest money.

Give me your honest opinion.

The young man has an honest face.

2. ancient adj. belonging to a time long ago; having existed for a very long time

We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building.

This is an ancient custom.

Women were not allowed to take part in the Olympic Games in ancient times.

3. compete [(+with/against/for)] vi. to try to win or gain sth. in competition with sb. else

We can compete with the best teams.

My handwriting cannot compete with his.

John competed for a place at the school, but didn’t get in.

The two companies have to compete against each other for customers.

4. ###competitor n. a person, team, or firm competing with another or others

There were 10 competitors in the race.

Last year our company sold many more computers than our competitor.

Sometimes friends can also be your competitors.

5. host 1) n. a) some who invites guests; b) a country or organization which provides the space and equipment for a special event; c) someone who introduces some performances, such as those TV show

2) v. to act as a host for a special event.

We thanked our host and left the party.

She is the host of the program.

It remains unknown which country will host the international tennis tournament.

We attended a dinner party hosted by the president of the company.

Bejing will host the 29th Olympic Games in 2008.

6. ###Greek 1) adj. from or connected with Greece 2) n. a) [C] a person from Greece; b) [U] the language of Greece

The director of the film is a Greek.

My friend speaks French and Greek.

7. magical adj. mysterious, strange, and exciting

You can enjoy the magical view over the calm waters of the bay.

There is always a magical evening beneath the bright stars.

In the story, Sam has a magical hat.

8. interview 1) n. a) a meeting where a person is asked questions to decide whether they should be given a job or a place on an educational course;

b) a meeting where a person is asked questions to find out about their actions or opinions, sometimes broadcast on radio or TV or printed in a newspaper or magazine

2) v. to ask sb. questions in an interview

Don't be late for your interview, or you won't get the job.

We are now going to interview the Minister of Education.

She has interviewed most of the applicants for the job.

9. admit vi & [vt. (that doing )] 1) to agree, often unwillingly, that sth. bad or unpleasant is true; 2) to allow ab. sth. to enter a place; 3) to allow sb. sth. to join a club or organization

I admitted breaking the window.

You must admit the task to be difficult.

There were no windows to admit air.

No one but ticket-holders was admitted.

He was admitted by Beijing University.

10. ###salve 1) n. a) a person who is owned by another person and must work for them; b) a slave to sth. of sth: a person completely under the control of a particular thing

2) vi. to work hard

There were more slaves than citizens in ancient Athens.

They are all slaves to fashion.

He is a slave t o drink.

She slaved for him all her life.

I have been slaving away all weekend in the garden.

11. replace v. 1) to put sth. back where it was; 2) to take the place of sb. sth; 3) to change one thing for another that is newer or better.

The brakes have to be replaced.

Electric lights have replaced candles.

You will have to replace those old computers.

12. prize 1) n. sth. of value given to someone who is successful in a game, race, or given for some action that is admired;

2) adj. a) [only before a noun] that has gained a prize

To some men wealth is the greatest prize in life.

His poem won the first prize in the contest.

I will use the prize money to help pay for my education.

13. silver 1)n. [U] a soft precious metal, grayish-white in color, that can be brightly polished, and is used in jewellery and for making coins

2) adj. a) made of silver; b) grayish-white or silver in color

In ancient times, the emperors’ bowls were made of silver. There is not a silver hair on her head.

There is a silver ring in the box.

14. physical adj. 1) concerning the body rather than the mind; 2) concerning the material things that you can see and touch;

3) [always before a noun] concerning the natural formation of the Earth’s survace; 4) according to the law of nature

Playing basketball is a form of physical exercise.

These are physical changes while those are chemical changes.

I have no idea how large the physical universe is.

There may be a physical explanation for these strange happenings.

15. root 1) n. a) the part of a plant that grows down into the soil in search of food and water; b) the part of a tooth, hair, or organ that holds it to the rest of the body; c) the central part or cause of sth; d) one’s roots: the place where one grew up.

2) v. to make or get roots

These plants have very deep roots.

This is the root cause of poverty.

Some people believe that money is the root of all evil.

Where is your roots?

Do roses root easily?

16. relate v. 1) to make a connection between two things; 2) to tell a story

relate to sth: to concern or be connected with sth.

relate to someone: to understand someone and have a comfortable relationship with them

Can you relate what happened in your childhood to your present state of mind?

We related our troubles to him, asking his advice.

I don't know to what this relates.

She doesn't relate well to her mother.

17. poster n. a large printed notice or picture put up in a public place

They put up posters all round the town advertising their products.

18. advertise vt & vi. 1) to tell the public about sth, such as an event, service, or article for sale, for example in a newspaper or on TV; 2) to ask for someone or sth. by placing a notice somewhere like a newspaper or shop window

If you want to sell your product you must advertise it.

I advertised my house in the “Daily News”.

The company is advertising for typists in the newspapers.

19. promise 1) n. a) [C] a statement that you certainly will or will not do sth.

b) [U] signs or hope of success or improvement

2) v. to state that you will certainly do sth.

Give me your promise that you'll never be late again.

The young man shows promise as a poet.

He promised to help us.

Useful expressions

1. take part in

Are you going to take part in the first experiment?

I don’t want to take part in this kind of activity.

He took part in the football game yesterday.

2. a set of

a group of

On the shelf there was a set of Lu Xun’s book.

There is a set of rules you must follow if you are going mountain-climbing.

I bought a set of furniture last week.

3. as well as 也;和……一样好

Many students as well as Tom were present at the meeting.

We shall travel by night as well as by day.

He cooks as well as his mother does.

4. change one’s mind

change one’s idea what one has decided

He is planning to travel alone and nothing will change his mind.

I have spoken for an hour but they haven’t changed their mind.

You can never change his mind after he makes a decision.

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