
发布时间:2016-12-02 08:51

Keep good men company and you shall be of the number.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。下面是小编为大家整理了一些三年级英语手抄报的内容,希望大家喜欢。



1. Did he take you to a candlelight dinner?


当男生对一个女生有意思想要追求她的时候,多半会留下一些蛛丝马迹,也就是上例中女主角想要收集的 evidence 啦!其中最有力的证据之一就是他会带你上高级餐厅,这种餐厅通常会在桌上摆一个小蜡烛作为照明,让气氛 (atmosphere) 看起来比较好,这就是所谓的 candlelight dinner。当然例句里的说法是泛指高级餐厅,不一定非得要有 candlelight 才行。但是如果你直截了当地说"Did he take you to a very expensive restaurant?"听起来是不是有点俗气?不好不好,我们还是用 "Did he take you to a candlelight dinner?"听来会比较舒服一点。

常跟 candlelight dinner 一起被提及的还有 moonlight walk 这个很浪漫的用法。顾名思义,moonlight walk 就是指两人在月光下散步,照理说男生在带女生去吃过 candlelight dinner 之后,就该说"Let's go for a moonlight walk!"这样男士们才算尽到你应尽的义务。

2. I was just asking.



记得有个女生问另一个女生的恋爱史,她最终的目的是想问:How many guys have you slept with? 但这样太直截了当,通常不会得到答案,而且还可能会被殴打一顿。所以她故意用了 beat around the bush (旁敲侧击) 的问话方式,先问:"How many boyfriends have you had so far?","Did you get along well?","How intimate are you with your boyfriend?"。这样子慢慢推进,到最后才冷不防切入重点:Did you hum hum hum? 当问到这里时,当事人早已放松警惕,她也顺利得到她想知道的答案。别人问她"你到底在干什么",她还一脸无辜的表情说:I'm just asking. 警惕呀,要是有人这样问你可要小心了,神不知鬼不觉的,你的隐私就被八卦了去。



smell a rat 觉得可疑

I smelt a rat when he started being so helpful!

the rat race 激烈的竞争

Living in a big city is one big rat race.

play cat and mouse with sb. 欲擒故纵,(像猫抓耗子似地)欺负(折磨、虐待)某人

The policeman decided to play cat and mouse when he saw the woman steal the dress in the store.


a bull in a china shop 经常闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人

He‘s like a bull in a china shop, always knocking things over.

take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险

You can‘t just sit back in a situation like this. You should take the bull by the horns.

