2017年八年级下册英语Unit 4练习试卷

发布时间:2017-05-13 13:22

对于各位学生党来说,在八年级这一阶段要怎样有针对性的做英语练习呢?别着急,接下来不妨和小编一起来做份人教版2017年八年级下册英语Unit 4练习试卷,希望对各位有帮助!

人教版2017年八年级下册英语Unit 4练习试卷


---Are you against the plan?

---No, I ___ it.

A.care B.report C.support D.copy

I know this kind of gruel is _____ millet.

A.made by B.made of C.made into D.made up of

You can borrow this book ___ me, but you shouldn’t lend it ___ others.

A.to; to B.from; from C.to; from D.from; to

---I got an “A” in the math exam.

--Oh, it’s a good ____.

A.subject B.time C.start D.end

She fell into trouble and felt upset. She didn’t know how to ____.

A.get it over B.get over it C.give it over D.get out it

Now she has a bike of ____. How happy she is!

A.her own B.own C.her D.own her

This work is very difficult. It needs great _____.

A.knowledge B.skills C.patience(耐心) D.time

They ____ repairing the wall. The _____ was smooth(顺利).

A.finish; process B.completed; matter C.finished; process D.completed; process

Later he left home ___ in different cities.

A.work B.working C.to work D.worked

All the players are ____ good health because they have enough exercise.

A.with B.from C.in D.at

It’s rather dark in the room. Please ___ the light.

A.turn down B.turn on C.turn up D.turn off

There was a terrible accident last night. ____, the driver was not hurt.

A.Luck B.Luckily C.Lucky D.More lucky

The teacher asked me ___ late again.

A.not be B.was not C.to not be D.not to be

The teacher didn’t understand why the pupil had ____.

A.so much strange questions B.so many strange questions

C.such much strange questions D.such many strange questions

It is a bad habit to ____ others’ homework. You should do ____homework by yourself.

A.copy; yours B.copy; your own

C.copy from; you own D.copy from; yourself’s


Marianne, a schoolgirl, was learning to play the piano, and day after day her father stood behind as she played. How patient and loving her father was, and how cleverly he 1__ Marianne how to play the difficult piece! And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang. Nobody told him to 2 when Marianne was playing.

One evening the father said to Marianne that she had done very well. At the moment Wolfgang climbed onto his father’s leg and said to his father that he wanted to 3 the wonderful piece.

What a joke that was! He picked up his baby son, laughed, and said, “Look at your 4 hands. Why, you cannot span (横跨) the keys yet, you must wait, little man. You must wait!”

There was no end of fun during tea, and Marianne told her mother about Wolfgang 5 to play one of the pieces. 6 a while, the father stood up. “Listen!” said he. “Listen! Marianne is playing that piece 7 than ever!" But Marianne was washing plates in the kitchen.

His wife following, he moved upstairs quietly, pushed the door, and saw little Wolfgang __8__ in the darkness (黑暗). “I love it 9 !” said the child. It was the 10 of Mozart’s life of music.


A.found B.asked C.showed D.hoped


A.make noises B.study hard C.sit still D.keep quiet


A.learn B.teach C.play D.hear


A.clever B.small C.dirty D.big


A.asking B.learning C.wanting D.waiting


A.In B.For C.During D.After


A.louder B.better C.longer D.worse


A.playing B.sitting C.sleeping D.singing


A.so B.too C.again D.all


A.turn B.start C.change D.end


A small boy lived with his mother and grandmother in a big house. His father had died.

A bucket(桶)of water fell on the small boy’s left foot, and it began hurting a hot. His mother said, “I’m going to put something very hot on your foot tonight. That’s always very good. Tomorrow your foot won’t hurt any longer.”

In the evening, the small boy’s mother came to his bedroom. She had a hot poultice(膏药)in a bowl. The small boy looked at it and said, “I don’t want that. I had one a month ago. Poultices hurt.”

His mother sat down on his bed and said, “You’re going to have this poultice on.” She pulled his sheets(床单)and blankets(毯子)away, and put the poultice near his foot, but the boy pulled it away quickly, and poultice fell on the bed.

His mother was angry. She went down stairs and came back with his grandmother and a stick. She said to her son, “Your grandmother’s going to put the poultice on your foot, and I’m going to hold this stick. Now don’t be a stupid boy.”

She held the stick over the boy, and the grandmother took his foot and put the poultice near it. The boy said. “Stop, you…” but his mother brought the stick nearer, and he did not say anything else.

The grandmother brought the poultice near the foot again, and the boy stopped her again, but his mother was angry now and said, “I’m going to hit you.” The boy did not finish his words, and his grandmother put the poultice on his foot. He let it there for a few minutes and then took it off again.

The boy’s mother and grandmother put the sheets and blankets over him again and he said, “My left foot hurts, but you put the poultice on my right foot. I stopped you twice, but you didn’t listen to me.”

【小题1】 The small boy’s foot hurt because ____.

A.he fell off the bike

B.a bucket of water fell on his foot

C.he fell and hurt his foot

D.he was ill

【小题2】 In the evening ___ first came to the small boy’s room.

A.his mother B.his father C.his grandmother D.his grandfather

【小题3】 The small boy ____ his mother.

A.agreed with B.didn’t stop C.thanked D.didn’t agree with

【小题4】 The small boy took the poultice off because ____.

A.his foot didn’t hurt

B.he hated his mother and grandmother

C.his left foot hurt

D.his right foot hurt

【小题5】The best title for this passage is ____.

A.Left or Right B.A Small Boy C.The Poultice D.A Small Boy’s Mother

Take a look at the label(标签) on almost any bottle of milk and you may see the word PASTEURIZED. What does that mean? Let’s find out by meeting Louis Pasteur.

Louis Pasteur was born in 1822 in a little town in France. As he grew up, he loved to paint. He loved to look at the world around him. When he went to college in Paris, he showed interest in looking through a microscope. A microscope makes things look a lot bigger; it lets you see things you can’t see just with your eyes. Looking through a microscope, Pasteur found a living world in a drop of water. He saw and drew pictures of the small living things -- he called them “microbes” or “germs”-- that crowded in a drop of water.

One day a winemaker came into the lab, hoping that someone could help him with his problem. “Sometimes my wine tastes delicious, but sometimes terrible,” he said to Pasteur. “Can you help me find out why?”

Pasteur put some drops of the wine under the microscope. He noticed that the terrible wine had some unusual germs. If he killed these germs, maybe he could keep the wine from turning terrible. He tried with different ways to kill the germs. In the end he found heating (加热) the wine seemed to work best. The winemaker tried it, and every bottle of wine tasted good.

Pasteur’s idea worked for other people, too. When farmers heated milk, it didn’t turn bad so quickly. When breweries heated beer, it tasted better. People called it “pasteurization” ---heating a liquid to kill bad germs. Aren’t you glad that the milk you drink has been pasteurized?

【小题1】 The Chinese meaning for the word “microbes” is____.

A.病毒 B.真菌 C.支原体 D.微生物

【小题2】 Which is the right order in Pasteur’s life story?

(1). He received college education in Paris.

(2) He helped to find some unusual germs in some drops of wine.

(3) A new way of killing bad germs--pasteurization was found out.

(4)He was born in 1822 in a little town in France.

(5) Microbes were found by Louis Pasteur with the help of a microscope.

A.2; 1; 3; 5; 4 B.4; 1; 5; 2; 3 C.4; 1; 3; 5; 2 D.3; 1; 2; 5; 4

【小题3】 What do you think Louis Pasteur was like from the passage?

A.Clever, helpful and hard-working.

B.Quiet, helpful and kind-hearted.

C.Brave, careful and hard-working.

D.Clever, serious and kind-hearted.

【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Germs only live in something that is bad.

B.Louis found the way to kill the unusual germs in the wine by chance (偶然).

C.Everybody knows what the word PASTEURIZED means.

D.Pasteurization is used to kill bad germs in the milk we drink.

【小题5】 What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.What life Louis Pasteur lived.

B.How to make milk clean.

C.How pasteurization was invented.

D.What to do with wine.

A Hard-working Student

This story is about a young student. She worked very hard at her lessons. She was too busy to have a rest. At last, she became ill, and couldn’t go to sleep. Every night, when she went to bed, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep. But the more she tried, the more she stayed awake.

After a while she went to see a doctor, “I just can’t go to sleep at night. What should I do?” “I have a suggestion (建议),” said the doctor, “Try counting numbers. By the time you reach one thousand, you will be asleep. I’m sure of it.”

The next day the student returned to the doctor’s office. “Well,” said the doctor, “How are you today? Did you try my suggestion?” The student still looked tired. “Yes,” she said, “I tried counting one, two, three...up to one thousand. But when I reached five hundred and sixty-nine, I began to feel sleepy. I had to get up and drink some coffee so that (以便) I could go on counting up to one thousand. But then I still couldn’t fall asleep.”


【小题1】 Why couldn’t the young student go to sleep?

A.She was worried about her lessons.

B.She hadn’t finished her homework.

C.She had worked too hard and became ill.

D.There was a lot of noise.

【小题2】 What did the doctor ask the young student to do while she was lying in bed?

A.To take some medicine.

B.To count numbers while she was lying in bed.

C.To count numbers before she went to bed.

D.To read some books on the bed.

【小题3】 The underlined word “awake” in paragraph 1 means “______”.

A.asleep B.not asleep C.sleepy D.sleeping

【小题4】 What did she do after she felt sleepy?

A.She fell asleep.

B.She stopping counting.

C.She got up and drank some tea.

D.She got up to have some coffee.

【小题5】 The coffee made her ______, so she still couldn’t fall asleep.

A.tired B.sleepy C.hungry D.excited


一说到考试,同学们总有讲不完的故事。在你的记忆中,那些发生在考场内外的故事,一定有使你至今感慨、难忘的吧?请以考试为话题,写一篇题为“An Unforgettable(难忘的)Experience”的短文。

以下提示词语可能对你有帮助(可根据需要选用): final exam, mid-term exam, nervous, warm words, relax, confident, give the best performance(do well), fail, . .....



【小题1】 Kate often ______(watch) TV on Sundays.

【小题2】Look! Lucy ______(talk) with her teacher under the tree.

【小题3】 Can you finish ______(read) this book in two days?

【小题4】 The train _____(leave) just now. You have to wait for the next.

【小题5】 My sister _____ (visit) Peking University last spring.

【小题6】 If you don’t get up at once, you _____ (be) late for school.

【小题7】 We _____ (begin) to learn English two years ago.

【小题8】 The teacher asked his students _____ (not come) to school late.

【小题9】 Please _____ (not be) afraid. I am with you.

【小题10】 They thanked the student for ______ (help) them.

【小题1】The a______ age of the young man is twenty-four. The oldest is twenty-seven, the youngest is nineteen.

【小题2】He found the e_____ but it was empty. He didn’t know what his mum wanted to say in the letter.

【小题3】 This question is easy. So I think there will be a lot of v______.

【小题4】Three years later she g_____ from that school and became a nurse.

【小题5】 We can see three lights a_____ their head. They light up all the room.



Does your brother __________________________.

【小题2】 她对今天发生的事感到很紧张。

She feels ____________________what happened today.

【小题3】 老师对这封信十分恼怒。

The teacher __________________________.


Would you please _____________________? Push the chair outside.

【小题5】 我把成绩报告单丢在寝室了。

I left ________________________________.

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