
发布时间:2017-03-14 20:02


1. 用于身体部分连用,表示相应的病,通常不可数。如:

Some alcoholics develop liver disease. 有些酗酒者会得肝病。

Smoking is the prime cause of lung disease. 抽烟是得肺病的主要原因。

Tension is a major cause of heart disease. 精神紧张是引起心脏病的主要原因。


She has caught a lung disease. 她染上了肺部疾病。

She got a rare liver disease when she was only twenty. 他年仅20岁时就患上了一种罕见的肝病。

2. 表示疾病的总称,为不可数名词。如:

Flies spread disease. 苍蝇能传播疾病。

Disease is usually caused by germs. 疾病多由病菌引起。

War and disease had thinned the population. 战争和疾病已使人口减少。

3. 表示某种疾病,为可数名词。如:

Cancer is a deadly disease. 癌症是一种致命的疾病。

Many cattle ape suffering from a disease called BSE. 许多牛得了疯牛病。

Why does man have more diseases than animals? 人类的疾病为什么比动物的多?

4. 有关“疾病”的表达习惯:


正:What’s your trouble?

误:What’s your disease?


正:While on holiday he caught a serious disease.

误:While on holiday he caught a big (heavy) disease.
