
发布时间:2017-06-15 16:54

qq炫舞好听的英文歌Tonight, I feel close to you荣幸登场。下面是小编给大家整理的qq炫舞好听的英文歌,供大家参阅!

qq炫舞好听的英文歌Tonight, I feel close to you歌曲介绍

Tonight, I feel close to you是日本歌手仓木麻衣和新加坡歌手孙燕姿合唱的一首歌曲,分别收录于仓木麻衣《If I Believe》(2003.07.09) 以及孙燕姿《The moment》(2003.08.22)。

此歌是燕姿和麻衣的第二首合作曲,另一首是《MY STORY YOUR SONG》。早在2002年日本唱片公司有意拓展仓木麻衣音乐版图,希望能在亚洲搜寻可以合作的艺人,结果一眼就相中了在亚洲声势如日中天的孙燕姿为合作对象,并力邀她前往日本发展。

qq炫舞好听的英文歌Tonight, I feel close to you歌手介绍

仓木麻衣,是来自日本著名的歌手之一。Kuraki自从看过一部关于MichaelJackson的生活电影和惠特尼麻衣休斯顿的音乐会后就梦想成为一名歌手。自99年「Love,DayAfterTomorror」后推出的「DeliciousWay」,获得了2000年度细碟销量冠军、大碟销量亚军、最佳作词、最出色新人奖和最高唱片收入亚军等五个奖项,并打破了原来的R&B小天后宇多田光的纪录,和滨崎步并列第一(总销量第二),出道不到一年就被公认为唯一可以威胁另外两大天后的新天后。常为热销动漫《名侦探柯南》演唱主题曲,代表作品有《Time after time》。

孙燕姿(Stefanie Sun),新加坡人,华语著名女歌手、亚洲歌坛天后。燕姿被视为华语乐坛继王菲、张惠妹之后,难得的天后接班人。2000年推出首张专辑,与蔡依林、萧亚轩、梁静茹合称四小天后。出道一年包揽亚洲各地15个最佳新人奖,至今仍为华语歌坛之纪录,更创下亚洲音乐市场上独特的“孙燕姿现象”。几乎拿遍各地重要奖项,且六次入围金曲奖最佳女歌手、四次入围最佳专辑,2005年获得第16届金曲歌后,连续7年获得香港IFPI十大销量国语唱片奖,亚洲唱片总销量超过2500万张,是华语乐坛最有影响力和最具指标性的女歌手之一。2011年3月8日发行第11张全新国语专辑《是时候》,2013年于新加坡出席广告代言发布会,透漏新专辑明年推出,并于2014年1月开始新一轮巡回演唱会。

qq炫舞好听的英文歌Tonight, I feel close to you歌词

M: Close my eyes and feel your mind

Y: Time has passed

I walk like a shadow

M: Never knew

What I am going through

M&Y: You touch my heart and take my breath away

M: Whisper on the wind so softly

Let the bright stars fill our dreams with love

Reach for your hand

Y: (you're holding my key)

燕姿和麻衣M: and you show me the way

M: Tonight,I feel close to you

You open my door and light the sky above

M&Y: When I need a friend, you are there right by my side

I wish we could stay as one

M: I wish we could stay forever as one

Y: All the tears that haunt my past

M: You promised

It'll be better tomorrow

Y: play that song

You and I listened to

M&Y: And let it gently ease our pain

Y: Tender rain drops from the blue sky

Flowers blooming, life is so divine

like sunlight on a stream

M: (you're holding my key)

Y: You show the world to me

Y: Tonight,I feel close to you

You open my door and light the sky above

M&Y: When I need a friend, you are there right by my side

I wish we could stay as one

M: So much love in this beautiful world

Y: Search for the brightest star in the sky

M: You will find the meaning of love

Y: Don't be afraid

M: (Don't be afraid),

Y: Just be yourself

M: (Just be yourself)

M&Y: We need this love...I've never knew

M&Y: Tonight,I feel close to you

You open my door and light the sky above

When I need a friend, you are there right by my side

I wish we could stay as one

Tonight,I feel close to you

You open my door and light the sky above

When I need a friend, you are there right by my side

I wish we could stay as one

I wish we could stay forever as one
