八下英语unit8sectiona 3a知识点

发布时间:2017-06-05 09:31

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八下英语unit8sectiona 3a知识要点

1、Section A重点词汇(milk shake,turn on,cut up,pour...into,honey,spoon,add,finally,salt,


2、重点句型(①-How many bananas do we need? -We need three bananas.②-How much yogurt do we need? -We need one cup of yogurt.③Turn on the blender.④Cut up the bananas.)



5、turn on及相关词组用法

八下英语unit8sectiona 3a知识点例题精讲

例1. 可数名词与不可数名词

①可数名词,单数形式在前面加aan;不可数名词前面不加a, an,不能用基数词连用,但可以 用 a little, much, some, a lot of, lots of, enough, most等修饰。

②需要计量时,可以在前面加计量词组=数词冠词+量词+of +不可数名词:

a spoon of tea a cup of yogurt a bottle of a piece of a bag of

③既可修饰可数名词与不可数名词的词有: a lot of =lots of , some, any(用在疑问句或者否定句) ④可数名词量的提问:How many+可数名词复数+ do we need?

不可数名词量的提问:How much+不可数名词+do we need?

例2. 祈使句

定义:祈使句指的是表示命令、请求、建议或劝告的句子。其主语you常省略,谓语动词用原形, 句末用感叹号或句号,读降调。

结构:1. 肯定的祈使句:动词原形+其他 如:Stand up, please. Be careful!

2. 否定的祈使句: 1). Don't + 动词原形 Don’t laugh at others.

2). Never do sth. Never do that again!

3). No + v-ing/n. No smoking! No noise, please.

4). Let’s not do sth. Let’s not waste time.

5). Don’t let sb. do sth. Don’t let them make any noise.

祈使句的考点:A: Don’t forget to turn off the light. B: OK. I won’t.

A: Don’t play on the road. B: Sorry. I won’t.

A: Remember to return it as soon as possible B: OK./All right./I will.

例3. How do you make a banana milk shake? 你怎样制作一份香蕉奶昔?


(n)摇动;抖动: Give the bottle a good shake. 好好地摇一下瓶子。 (v)(使)摇动/颤抖:Shake the bottle before drinking.

抖落: He shook the snow off his coat at the door.

搭配用法:shake hands 握手 shake one’s head 摇头 for a shake 一瞬间

例4. Turn on the blender. 打开搅拌器。

turn on:打开(电、煤气、水等)

Will you please turn on the light? It’s too dark. turn off: 关掉(电、煤气、水等) Please turn the light off when you leave the building. turn up: 调高(音量等)I can’t hear clearly, please turn up the radio. 出现 If he doesn’t turn up in ten minutes, we’ll have to go.

调低(音量等)Please turn down the TV when I’m talking on the phone. 拒绝 She turned down his invitation.

例5. cut up the bananas. 把香蕉切碎。

cut:(n.)切口;伤口;(v.) 切,割,剪,砍,削等

cut… into… 把…切成… Cut the turkey into pieces.

cut off 切断;中断 He almost cut off his finger while working. cut up 切碎;剁碎 Cut the onion up in small pieces.

伤害;折磨 He was cut up badly when he fell off his bike.

cut down 砍倒;削减 They cut down the old trees in order to build a new factory.

例6. How much yogurt do we need? B: We need one cup of yogurt.

1). how many: 多少 + 可数名词 How many watermelons do you need?

how much 多少 + 不可数名词 How much cheese/sugar do we need? 多少钱= What’d the price of…? How much is the butter?

(n.) There’s no need for you to hurry. 你没有必要慌张。 Sb. need sth. She needs help.

(v.实) Sb. need to do sth. You need to get it back tomorrow.

需要; Sth. need doing = sth. need to be done. The bike needs repairing.

必须 (v.情) 常用于否定和疑问: You needn’t tell me. 你没有必要告诉我。 Need I go there? 搭配用法:in need of… 需要… at need在紧急时

例7. 在描述一件事情的先后顺序时,恰当地使用副词first,next,then 和 finally,既能使说话人喘口气,又能使听话者感到句子的连贯性,通常用祈使句。 first 意为“首先”,放于句首或句尾。

如:First you look up(查询) the word in the dictionary. 首先你从词典里查查这个词。 next 意为“其次”,它可放于句首、句中和句尾。

如: I don’t know what to do next. 我不知道下一步干什么。 then 意为“然后”,用法与next大体相同。

如:Then,cut up the vegetables. 然后,把蔬菜切碎。 finally 意为“最后”,通常放于开头。

如:Finally, we decided to go on foot. 最后,我们决定步行去。

八下英语unit8sectiona 3a知识习题


1. How many________(sheep) are there on the hill?

2. There is some________(food) in the basket.

3. The baby has only two________(tooth) now.

4. There is a lot of________(water) in the bottle.

5. There are five________(people ) in his family.

6. Let's take________(photo), OK?

7. I have lots of________(tomato) here.

8. The________(leaf) on the tree turn-yellow.

9. The________(child) are playing games on the playground now.

10. Their________(dictionary) look new.

11. I see you have a few white________(hair).

12. They are________(woman) doctors.

13. Can you give me some bottles of ____ (orange), please?

14. There are many________(fox) in the picture.

15. I would like some apple________(juice). I am very thirsty.


1. Turn on the b______ to make orange juice. 2. P______ the oranges before we eat them 3. I like ______ (tomato) and ______ (chicken).

4. They need yogurt. (改为否定句) They _______ _______ yogurt. 对画线部分提问) _______ _______ ________ do you need? 6. Play the piano like this. (改为否定句) _______ _______the piano like this

1. How many ______ (dictionary) do you have?

2. I have three _______( watch ).

3. There are some _______( orange) on the table.

4. I like _______(tomato) and _______ ( chicken).

5. How much _______( honey ) do we need?

6. Tina, let’s _________(make) fruit salad.

7. Oh, it ______(rain) last night, so the ground is wet now.

8. Tom is a little _________ ( strong) than Mike.

9. I think English is ________________(important) than any other subject.

10. My mother ________( take) the bus to work every day.

11. 请把酸奶倒进杯子里。 Please _______ the yogurt _______ the glass.

12. 然后放入两汤匙柠檬和一杯酸奶。____ put in ____ ______ ____ lemon and ___ _____ ____ yogurt.

13. 我不知道怎么玩这个游戏。 I don’t know _______ ______ play the game.

14. 请放些鸡肉片在这个三明治上。Please ____ some chicken slices _______ the sandwich.

15. 我们需要多少食盐? How ______ ______ do we need?

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