
发布时间:2017-03-13 21:00


1. Complaining about your boss.

You never know who might belistening, and if you get a reputation as a complainer, your bosswill eventually hear about it。

1. 抱怨老板。


2. Playing online during the workday.

If you’re logged intoGmail chat all day, doing your holiday shopping online, or playingon Facebook when you should be working, it could cost you your job.Your employer has the right to monitor anything you do on your workcomputer, including checking your personal email. Never use yourwork computer for anything you don’t want your boss to knowabout—whether it’s job-searching, online shopping, complainingabout your job, hanging out on social networking sites, or anythingelse。



3. Not owning up to mistakes.

Everyone makes mistakes fromtime to time; what matters is how you handle it when you do. If youdon’t accept responsibility or—worse— try to cover up that amistake was made at all, your boss will likely be far more angry atthis than at the mistake itself。




4. Being preoccupied with whether something is your job ornot.

Protesting that something isn’t in your job description is agood way to lose the support of your boss. Job descriptions aren’tcomprehensive, and most people end up doing work that doesn’t fallsquarely within that job description. (That’s what “and otherduties as assigned” means。) People who balk at this often end up atthe top of a lay-off list. You want to make yourself more valuableto your employer, not less。



5. Getting angry at work.

It’s normal to occasionally getfrustrated at work, but it crosses a line if you’re yelling,slamming doors, or snapping at people. It only takes one incidentlike this to get a reputation as the angry guy who no one wants towork with, and that’s a label that’s very hard to shake。


