setting sail on the yangzi to secretary yuan
wei yingwu
wistful, away from my friends and kin,
through mist and fog i float and float
with the sail that bears me toward loyang.
in yangzhou trees linger bell-notes of evening,
marking the day and the place of our parting….
when shall we meet again and where?
…destiny is a boat on the waves,
borne to and fro, beyond our will.
凄凄去亲爱, 泛泛入烟雾。
归棹洛阳人, 残钟广陵树。
今朝为此别, 何处还相遇。
世事波上舟, 沿洄安得住。
mooring at twilight in yuyi district
wei yingwu
furling my sail near the town of huai,
i find for harbour a little cove
where a sudden breeze whips up the waves.
the sun is growing dim now and sinks in the dusk.
people are coming home. the bright mountain-peak darkens.
wildgeese fly down to an island of white weeds.
…at midnight i think of a northern city-gate,
and i hear a bell tolling between me and sleep.
落帆逗淮镇, 停舫临孤驿。
浩浩风起波, 冥冥日沈夕。
人归山郭暗, 雁下芦洲白。
独夜忆秦关, 听钟未眠客。
a poem to a taoist hermit chuanjiao mountain
wei yingwu
my office has grown cold today;
and i suddenly think of my mountain friend
gathering firewood down in the valley
or boiling white stones for potatoes in his hut….
i wish i might take him a cup of wine
to cheer him through the evening storm;
but in fallen leaves that have heaped the bare slopes,
how should i ever find his footprints!
今朝郡斋冷, 忽念山中客。
涧底束荆薪, 归来煮白石。
欲持一瓢酒, 远慰风雨夕。
落叶满空山, 何处寻行迹。