
发布时间:2016-11-10 09:59

disable释义:使 ... 失去能力。以下是小编为大家整理了disable的反义词和例句,以供参考。




Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.


A dog's ears enable it to hear the least sound.


This train will enable me to get there in time.


Training will enable you to find a job.




He was disabled from walking by the accident.


Old age disabled him for hard labour.


The soldier disabled by wounds in his leg is buried in sadness.


I will disable it again after the migration. 我将在迁移结束后再次禁用它。

If you care [about that], you should disable it. 他说,如果你真的很在意这个,你就应该禁用它。

We can disable this behavior by defining the closure to be static. 我们可以通过将闭包定义为静态闭包禁用此行为。

Therefore, for performance reasons, you might be tempted to disable alldiagnostics during normal operation of the system. 因此,出于性能方面的原因,您可能希望在系统正常运行期间禁用所有诊断功能。

As a compromise, you can provide a query parameter for development time andthen disable it when deploying the application. 作为折衷办法,您可以在开发时提供查询参数,然后在部署该应用程序时再禁用它。

If you don’t need this compatibility, you should disable it. 如果您不需要这种兼容性,则应该禁用它。

You should disable or remove those ports from all of your application servers. 应该在所有应用服务器上禁用或删除这些端口。

If you do not disable both, the container will continue to order databaseoperations. 如果这二者都没有禁用,则容器将继续对数据库操作进行排序。

However, if you prefer to configure and tune these features yourselves, DB2provides the option to disable default automation. 不过,如果您想自己配置和调优这些特性,那么 DB2 也允许禁用缺省的自动特性。

To disable this policy, you need to set the parameter to 0. 要想禁用这个策略,需要将这个参数设置为0。

The question is when you should enable or disable a button. 关键问题是何时应该启用或禁用一个按钮。

For example, the guest cannot disable interrupts, so these requests areperformed in the host operating system. 例如,来宾操作系统不能禁用中断,以使这些请求在宿主操作系统中执行。

Clicking on the task name here (as circled in red) allows you to edit or disable thetask. 在这里单击任务名(用红色圈标出),就可以编辑或禁用此任务。

In most cases, this module should be used to disable a module type or used in the OTHER service. 大多数情况下,应该使用此模块来禁用某个模块类型,或者在OTHER服务中使用它。

It is important that you know if your application has signal handling, and how todisable them to generate a core file. 您务必要知道自己的应用程序是否有信号处理以及如何禁用它们以生成核心文件。
