
发布时间:2017-05-27 07:09



由“助动词be + 动词的过去分词”构成。助动词be 有时态、人称和数的变化。

(1) 一般现在时:am/is/are +过去分词。如:

Rice is grown in south China. 华南种植水稻。

(2) 一般过去时:was/were+过去分词。如:

The glass was broken yesterday. 这块玻璃是昨天打烂的。

(3) 现在进行时:am/is/are being +过去分词。如:

The project is being carried out. 这个计划正在执行中。

(4) 过去进行时:was/were/being +过去分词。如:

This road was being built this time last year. 这条路去年这个时候还在修建。

(5) 一般将来时:will be +过去分词。如:

The cars will be sent abroad by sea. 这些汽车将由水路运往国外。

(6) 过去将来时:would be +过去分词。如:

The manager said the project would be completed by the end of the year. 经理说这个工程在年底前将会完成。

(7) 现在完成时:have/has been +过去分词。如:

This novel has been translated into several languages. 这本小说已被译成了几种语言。

(8) 过去完在时:had been +过去分词。如:

When I got to the theatre, I found the tickets had already been sold out. 我到达剧院时,发现票已卖完了。


1. She used to be a Chinese teacher. 她过去是一位汉语老师。

[用法] used to + 动词原形,表示过去经常性的动作或存在的状态,含有现在不再如此之意。

[搭配] used to do的否定式可以是usedn't to do或didn't use to do.

[比较] used to do sth. 过去常做某事;be/ get used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事;be used to do sth. 被用来做某事。

2.…return it sooner or later.


[用法] l)sooner or later意为"迟早"、"早晚"。

2)return此处用作及物动词,意为"归还",相当于give back.

[拓展]return还可用作不及物动词,意为"返回",相当于go back或come back。

3.No matter what the weather is like…无论天气……

[用法]no matter what 相当于whatever,其意为"无论什么",引导状语从句。

[拓展]类似no matter what的表达方式还有:

no matter when无论什么时候

nbsp; nbsp;nbsp;no matter where无论什么地方

no matter who无论谁

no matter how 无论怎么样

4. A young man practised speaking English with Mr. Green.


[用法]practise doing sth. 表示"实践、练习(做)某事"。

[拓展]practice名词,"实践"、"实施"、"练习";put a plan into practice实行某计划。

5. He encouraged everyone to take part in protecting our lakes, rivers, seas and oceans.



2)take part in"参加",常表示参加活动。

3)protect 是动词,表示"防御"、"保护"。

[搭配]1)encourage sb. in sth.在某事上鼓励或支持某人

nbsp;encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人干某事

2)protect sh. from sth.使某人不受某事侵袭或伤害

6. …to warn people about sharks in the water. ……警告人们当心水里的鲨鱼。

[用法] warn用作动词,意思是"警告"、"警戒"。

[搭配]1)warn sb.+ that从句

2)warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事

3)warn sb. to do sth.告诫某人做某事

4)warn sb. against(doing) sth.告诫某人当心某事/不要做某事




I could get you a concert ticket. → I could not / couldn't get you a concert ticket.

【技巧2】当句中含有系动词was,were 时,可直接在其后加not构成否定句。例如:

I was on the Internet when you called me. → I was not / wasn't on the Internet when you called me.

【技巧3】当句中谓语是除情态动词、助动词、系动词was,were以外的动词时,在该动词之前加did not / didn't,动词还原,构成否定句。例如:

The famous singer sang some Chinese songs. → The famous singer did not / didn't sing any Chinese songs.



He could pack his things himself. → Could he pack his things himself?


Mr Li looked very old. → Did Mr Li look very old?


【技巧1】确定疑问词:人who / whom,物what,地点where,时间when / what time,原因why,频率how often,长度how long,距离how far等等。例如:

They gave the concert last night. → When did they give the concert?

【技巧2】辨认结构形式:疑问词+情态动词/助动词/ was / were / did +主语+...? 例如:

The accident happened near the station. → Where did the accident happen






