
发布时间:2017-05-12 08:09




Luini in porcelain!

The grand piano

Utters a profane

Protest with her clear soprano.

The sleek head emerges

From the gold-yellow frock

As Anadyomene in the opening

Pages of Reinach.

Honey-red, closing the face-oval,

A basket-work of braids which seem as if they were

Spun in King Minos' hall

From metal, or intractable amber;

The face-oval beneath the glaze,

Bright in its suave bounding-line, as,

Beneath half-watt rays,

The eyes turn topaz.



Hymn to the Dope

Goddess of the murmuring courts,

Nicotine, my Nicotine,

Houri of the mystic sports,

trailing-robed in gabardine,

Gliding where the breath hath glided,

Hidden sylph of filmy veils,

Truth behind the dream is veiléd

E'en as thou art, smiling ever, ever gliding,

Wraith of wraiths, dim lights dividing

Purple, grey, and shadow green

Goddess, Dream-grace, Nicotine.

Goddess of the shadow's lights,

Nicotine, my Nicotine,

Some would set old Earth to rights,

Thou I none such ween.

Veils of shade our dream dividing,

Houris dancing, intergliding,

Wraith of wraiths and dream of faces,

Silent guardian of the old unhallowed places,

Utter symbol of all old sweet druidings,

Mem'ry of witched wold and green,

Nicotine, my Nicotine:

Neath the shadows of thy weaving

Dreams that need no undeceiving,

Loves that longer hold me not,

Dreams I dream not any more,

Fragrance of old sweet forgotten places,

Smiles of dream-lit, flit-by faces

All as perfume Arab-sweet

Deck the high road to thy feet

As were Godiva's coming fated

And all the April's blush belated

Were lain before her, carpeting

The stones of Coventry with spring,

So thou my mist-enwreathéd queen,

Nicotine, white Nicotine,

Riding engloried in they hair

Mak'st by-road of our dreams

Thy thorough-fare.



These tales of old disguisings, are they not

Strange myths of souls that found themselves among

Unwonted folk that spake an hostile tongue,

Some soul from all the rest who'd not forgot

The star-span acres of a former lot

Where boundless mid the clouds his course he swung,

Or carnate with his elder brothers sung

Ere ballad-makers lisped of Camelot?

Old singers half-forgetful of their tunes,

Old painters color-blind come back once more,

Old poets skill-less in the wind-heart runes,

Old wizards lacking in their wonder-lore:

All they that with strange sadness in their eyes

Ponder in silence o'er earth's queynt devyse?



Earth's winter cometh

And I being part of all

And sith the spirit of all moveth in me

I must needs bear earth's winter

Drawn cold and grey with hours

And joying in a momentary sun,

Lo I am withered with waiting till my spring cometh!

Or crouch covetous of warmth

O'er scant-logged ingle blaze,

Must take cramped joy in tomed Longinus

That, read I him first time

The woods agleam with summer

Or mid desirous winds of spring,

Had set me singing spheres

Or made heart to wander forth among warm roses

Or curl in grass next neath a kindly moon.


In the Old Age of the Soul

I do not choose to dream; there cometh on me

Some strange old lust for deeds.

As to the nerveless hand of some old warrior

The sword-hilt or the war-worn wonted helmet

Brings momentary life and long-fled cunning,

So to my soul grown old -

Grown old with many a jousting, many a foray,

Grown old with namy a hither-coming and hence-going -

Till now they send him dreams and no more deed;

So doth he flame again with might for action,

Forgetful of the council of elders,

Forgetful that who rules doth no more battle,

Forgetful that such might no more cleaves to him

So doth he flame again toward valiant doing.
