
发布时间:2017-03-29 00:14



有关于英文短文:冬雾Winter Fog

After two or three days of unseasonable and depressing warmth, with a lowering but not rainy sky.


I woke this morning to find the land covered with mist. There was no daybreak, and, after a long time, a sad glimmer2 of light appeared at the window. I begin to see the thin shapes of trees. The rustle of drops dripping onto the garden soil tells me that it will rain. But for my fire, the flame sings and leaps, and its red beauty is reflected on the window glass. I cannot give my thoughts to reading. Better to devote myself to the old exercise of the pen.


I think of fogs in London, fogs of yellow or of black, and I, like a sort of dyspeptic owl, in idleness. On such a day, I remember, I once found myself at an end in both coal and lamp oil. With no money to buy either, all I could do was go to bed, till the sky once more became visible, but the second day found the fog thick as ever.


I rose in darkness; I stood by the window, and saw that the street was lit up as at night, lamps and shop fronts perfectly visible. The fog, in fact, had risen, but still hung above the house-tops, impermeable by any heavenly beam.



Alternate the cunning of the serpent with the candour of the dove. Nothing is easier than to deceive an honest man. He believes in much who lies in naught; who does no deceit, has much confidence. To be deceived is not always due to stupidity, it may arise from sheer goodness. duanwenw.com There are two sets of men who can guard themselves from injury: those who have experienced it at their own cost, and those who have observed it at the cost of others. Prudence should use as much suspicion as subtlety uses snares, and none need be so good as to enable others to do him ill. Combine in yourself the dove and the serpent, not as a monster but as a prodigy.



Some transform favours received into favoursbestowed, and seem, or let it be thought, that they are doing a favour when receiving one.


There are some so astute that they get honour by asking, and buy their own advantage with applause from others. They manage matters so cleverly that they seem to be doing others a service when receiving one from them.


They transpose the order of obligation with extraordinary skill, or at least render it doubtful who has obliged whom. duanwenw.com They buy the best by praising it, and make a flattering honour out of the pleasure they express. They oblige by their courtesy, and thus make men beholden for what they themselves should be beholden. In this way they conjugate "to oblige" in the active instead of in the passive voice, duanwenw.com thereby proving themselves better politicians than grammarians.


This is a subtle piece of finesse; a still greater is to perceive it, and to retaliate on such fools' bargains by paying in their own coin, and so coming by your own again.

