
发布时间:2017-05-26 20:55



Dear Mr. Jones:

We have received your letter of the 15th and are impressed with the proposal you make. We are pleased to tell you that we have decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our Embroideries in the territory of Sweden.

The Agency Agreement has been drawn up for a duration of one year, automatically renewable on expiration for a similar period unless a written notice is given to the contrary. Enclosed you will find a copy of the draft. Please go over the provisions and advise us whether they meet with your approval.

We shall do all in our power to assist you in establishing a mutually beneficial trade.



Dear Mr. Jones:

Thank you for your letter of 15th September.

As we are now only at the get-acquainted stage, we feel it is too early to take into consideration the matter of sole agency. In our opinion, it would be better for both of us to try out a period of cooperation to see how things go. Also, it would be necessary for you to test the marketability of our products at your end and to continue your efforts in building a larger turnover to justify the sole agency arrangement.

We enclose our latest pricelist covering all the products we handle within the framework of your specialized lines.

We look forward to hearing from you.



Dear Mr. Jones:

We have received your letter of 18th July, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing.

Upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention. We have studied your surveyor's report very carefully.

We are convinced that the present damage was due to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you. We are therefore not responsible for the damage; but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree.



Dear Mr. Jones:

We very much regret to learn form your letter of 2nd March that you are not satisfied with the dress materials supplied to your order No.9578From what you say it seems possible that some mistakes has been made in our selection of the materials meant for you and we are arranging for our Mr. Yang to call on you later this week to compare the materials supplied with the samples form which your ordered them.

If it is found that our selection faulty, then you can most certainly rely on us to replace the materials. In any case, we are willing to take the materials back and, if we can not supply what you want, to cancel your order, though do this reluctantly since we have no wish to lose your custom.

