
发布时间:2016-11-19 12:52

摘要:北京网友“颜”(化名)在网上发帖称自己竟从北京某大型超市买到“赝品”鳕鱼,在倍感失望的同时更开始为家人的健康担心。 你知道怎么用英语表达吗?

French retailer Carrefour Thursday said that it is conducting an investigation into the accusation of a store selling oilfish in the name of cod to some consumers, though the headquarter of the company has not issued an official response yet.




文中的###“cod”就是“鳕鱼”的意思,是一种海鱼(sea fish),“鱼肝油”(cod-liver oil)就是从鳕鱼的肝上提取制成。油鱼的英文是“oilfish”,学名为棘鳞蛇鲭(ruvettus pretiosus ),油鱼是有毒的(toxic),食用后可引发腹泻(diarrhea)或者呕吐(vomiting)等。我们再来看一些常见鱼类对应的英文表达吧:carp 鲤鱼;crucian carp 鲫鱼;grass carp 草鱼;catfish 鲶鱼;black carp 青鱼;silver carp 鲢鱼;bighead carp 鳙鱼;yellow croaker 黄鱼;perch 鲈鱼;mandarin fish 桂鱼;salmon 三文鱼;tuna 金枪鱼;eel鳗鱼。
