儿童故事 英语故事

发布时间:2016-11-12 00:44

The stag in the ox-stall 牛棚里的雄鹿

A stag, chased from his lair by the hounds, took refuge in a farmyard, and, entering a stable where a number of oxen were stalled, thrust himself under a pile of hay in a vacant stall, where he lay concealed, all but the tips of his horns. Presently one of the oxen said to him, "What has induced you to come in here? Aren't you aware of the risk you are running of being captured by the herdsmen?" To which he replied, "Pray let me stay for the present. When night comes I shall easily escape under cover of the dark."

In the course of the afternoon more than one of the farm-hands came in, to attend to the wants of the cattle, but not one of them noticed the presence of the stag, who accordingly began to congratulate himself on his escape and to express his gratitude to the oxen. "We wish you well," said the one who had spoken before, "but you are not out of danger yet. If the master comes, you will certainly be found out, for nothing ever escapes his keen eyes."

Presently, sure enough, in he came, and made a great to-do about the way the oxen were kept. "The beasts are starving," he cried; "here, give them more hay, and put plenty of litter under them." As he spoke, he seized an armful himself from the pile where the stag lay concealed, and at once detected him. Calling his men, he had him seized at once and killed for the table.




The hares and the frogs 野兔和青蛙

The hares once gathered together and lamented the unhappiness of their lot, exposed as they were to dangers on all sides and lacking the strength and the courage to hold their own.

Men, dogs, birds and beasts of prey were all their enemies, and killed and devoured them daily: and sooner than endure such persecution any longer, they one and all determined to end their miserable lives. Thus resolved and desperate, they rushed in a body towards a neighbouring pool, intending to drown themselves.

On the bank were sitting a number of frogs, who, when they heard the noise of the hares as they ran, with one accord leaped into the water and hid themselves in the depths.

Then one of the older hares who was wiser than the rest cried out to his companions, "Stop, my friends, take heart; don't let us destroy ourselves after all: see, here are creatures who are afraid of us, and who must, therefore, be still more timid than ourselves."















The monster and the hunter 怪物和猎人

Long ago, there lived a huge monster. The monster looked like a human, but had a large body and much hair. His eye was in the middle of his forehead.

People were really afraid of this monster. That is because the monster ate up people. The people did not go neat the woods where the monster lived.

One day, a young hunter went hunting in the woods where the monster lived. He did not know that the monster lived there. He ran into the monster.

The brave hunter took out his arrow1 and shot2 the monster. The monster did not feel any pain and attacked the hunter. "How come he got shot, but he is alright..." The hunter shot a few more arrows,but the monster was not injured3 at all. The hunter only had one arrow left.

"That monster has to have a weak spot. Right! It must be that eye." The hunter shot his last arrow to the monster's eye. The monster was hit. It screamed and fell. The hunter barely4 killed the monster and realized it was the monster that people feared.

"This monster has to be burned so it won't ever bother people again." The hunter made a fire and turned the monster into ashes. Suddenly, a strong wind came and the ashes turned into an insect.

The insect attacked the hunter and began sucking5 his blood. The hunter ran away from the insect. The ashes became a mosquito6 that still bothers us on a hot summer day.








The three happy brothers 快乐的三兄弟

There were three brothers.They each decided to find a precious treasure and meet a year later.

One year later, the three brothers gathered again. They each boasted about the treasure they had.

The oldest brother brought a telescope. "I found a telescope which can see far away."

The second brother brought a flying carpet." I found a flying carpet that can be anywhere."

The third brother said." I found an apple that cures all diseases."

The brothers were amazed at the treasures they found. "Let's see what we can do with our treasures now." The brothers all nodded.

The oldest brother looked through his telescope and saw a palace in the distance. A princess was lying in bed sick. The second opened his carpet and said. "Let's ride this carpet and go to the palace." The three brothers went to the palace on the flying carpet to save the sick princess.

The three brothers met the king and told him why they had some. The king said. "How commendable. If you cure the princess, I will let one of you marry the princess." The youngest brother gave the princess the apple he found..

The princess had been sick for a long time, but with one bite of the apple, she was cured.

The king hugged the princess with joy. "Okay, as promised,one of you can marry the princess." The brothers each wanted the other to marry the princess. No matter how pretty and princess was, the brothers thought their loyalty was more important.

The king was moved and gave them gold and silver and high positions. The three brothers lived happily ever after.












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