Where's my pen教案及反思

发布时间:2017-02-20 11:40

教案是一年级英语教学活动正常开展的重要保障,为了帮助各位英语老师做好英语教学准备,下面小编为大家带来一年级上册Where's my pen教案及反思,供你参考!

Where's my pen英语教案:


1. Enable the students read and understand “in, on, under”

2. Let students can use the words to make the sentences.

3. To finish some exercises.


English book




some cards with price


1. How to use “in , on, under” to make sentences

2. To enable the Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

3. How to make dialogues and act them out.


Module10 Unit1 Where’s my pen?

in, on, under


基本环节及意图 学生活动设计 教师活动设计 调整措施

一、Warming up and Revision

1. Say all together.

2. Say the sentence two by two.


Learn the game and

“in ,on, under”

1. Listen to the tape.

2. Listen and repeat.

3. Answer the questions asked by teacher.

三、Further Development

1. Sing a song :Happy Birthday

2. Review the sentences and dialogue

四、 Practice

Have you seen a game, which is about “Where’s my pen?” Today we are going to play this game.

Listening and reading Activities

Play the tape.

Play the tape.

Answer teacher’s questions like where my

pen is?

教学过程基本环节及意图 学生活动设计 教师活动设计 调整措施

1. Act the dialogues out like a game in pairs.

2. Students do play the game and began to have a competition

Do the exercises.

Act it out like a game

One student puts a book on the desk and asks “Where is my book?” The other one answer it.

The change the objects and ask and answer.

Play games.

Divide all the students into two pairs.

Guess “where is the ball/pencil/eraser/book/ruler/balloon…?”

To bring a competition to the class.

Listen and match

Do and say

五、 Homework

Act the drama in pairs.

Where's my pen教学反思:

心理学家皮亚杰曾经说过,“一切有效的工作必须以某种兴趣为先决条件”。 英语学习更是如此。在中国,英语是属于外来语,小学生要长期保持学习的学习兴趣并非易事。它需要小学英语老师认真研究教学方法,研究小学生的生理、心理特点以及英语学习的规律。对于小学生来说,最初接触英语时都比较感兴趣。因为对于初学英语的小学生来说,英语实在是太新奇了。随着时间的推移,一部分小学生开始失去兴趣,学生对学习英语的动力减弱了,再加上学习任务的加重,记单词等任务的乏味,小学生学习英语就变得没劲了。因此,在小学英语教学中,把学生对英语的学习兴趣的培养应放在重要的位置。游戏是提高学生学习兴趣的一种途径。

在我设计的这堂课中,我使用了两个游戏。第一个是简单的传话游戏。我先让学生们安静,悄悄地告诉第一个学生一句话 “Is it on your desk?” 或“Is it in your desk?” 并让学生悄悄地把这句话传到后面的学生。最快把话传到最后的学生并准确地说出来的一组为胜。这游戏的目的是让每个学生有机会机械地练习所学的句型。第二个游戏是先让学生闭上眼睛,一个学生把文具藏起来,并让其他的学生用所学的句型找出文具。在这个游戏中,学生可以在我设计的情景中运用所学的语言,并在原来的句型上加以扩展,如Is it in your bag/ pencil case?等。小学生好胜心强,集体荣誉感也强。我在游戏中开展一些竞赛活动,既可以更好地调动学生的学习积极性,又可以培养学生的竞争意识。



1.《Where are my glasses》教案及反思

2.《Where do you live》教案及反思


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