
发布时间:2017-06-08 13:49



(A:Receptionist/the waitress B:Guest)

A: Good afternoon. Welcome to Qingdao Sea-view Garden Hotel. Can I help you, sir?

B: Well, I’m~~~ from `````. I’d like to check in, please.

A: All right. Do you have a reservation with us, sir?

B: Sorry, I didn’t book any room before. I would like to know which standard room do you have ?

A: Wait a moment, please。 We have triple room, standard double room, and standard single room. What kind of room do you need?

B :what’s the price for standard double room?

A:oh,sir。the price for standard double room is 288 Yuan。

B: What! Why is so expensive?

A:yes,sir。Our hotel is an international 5-star chain hotel,and adopts international standard price。triple room is 476 yuan, is 288 yuan, and standard single room is 136 yuan. all the room has TV, AC (air conditioner), free internet access and breakfast. Oh, excuse me ,the dinning room locates at 6th floor, between 7am to 9am.

B:OK, I know now。i’d like to check in a standard double room.

A: All right. how many days are you planning to stay?

B: oh, I want to stay here for 3 days.

A: one moment, please. Sir,please show your ID ,just like driver's license, passport or ID card。

B:here you are。

A:wait a moment ,please。

Could you please fill in the registration card?

B: Sure. Here it is. Is it all right?

A: Yes, thanks. Your room number is 202. Here is your key. The room bellman will show you to your room. I hope you will enjoy your stay. the check-out time is 1pm of forth day later。

B: Thank you.

A:you’re welcome。Good luck。


Floor Attendant (FA): (Smiling) Good afternoon, sir and madam. Did you have a nice trip? 下午好,先生女士,您们旅途愉快吗?

Mr. Bellow (B): Yes, thanks. 是的,谢谢。

FA: Welcome to the ninth floor. I’m the floor attendant. Just let me know if there is anything I can do for you.


B: Where is Room 908, please? 908房在哪儿呢?

FA: Ah, Mr. and Mrs. Bellow. Would you care to step this way, please? It is along here.


Mrs. Bellow(M):Oh, how do you know our name?


FA: It was on the arrival list for room 908.Here we are. May I have your key, please? Let me open the door for you.


B: Here it is. 在这。

FA (Knocks at the door first, opens it, and precedes the guests into the room and turns on the light) This way, please.(先敲门,然后引领客人进房间并开灯)这边请。

B: Thank you. When will our baggage arrive?


FA: Your suitcases will be here shortly. The bellman is handling them.


B: Very well(Looking around the room.) 非常好(环视房间)

FA: How do you like this room? 您觉得这房间怎么样呢?

M: Oh, it looks comfortable and cozy. We like it very much.
