
发布时间:2017-06-13 14:28



1. free from不受…影响的

2. free of无…的;摆脱了…的

3. freeze over(使)全面结冰

4. freeze up(使)冻结

5. from memory凭记忆

6. from now on今后,从现在起

7. from time to time时常,有时,不时

8. gain on跑得比…快;逼近

9. gang together结合在一起;符合

10. generation gap代沟

11. get about走动;旅行

12. get above oneself变得自高自大

13. get across使通过,使被理解

14. get after督促,训诫;责备

15. get ahead of超过,胜过

16. get ahead进步,获得成功

17. get ahead进步;胜过,超过

18. get along with与…友好相处;有进展

19. get along with走开

20. get along过活;相处融洽;进展

21. get around to找时间做,开始考虑

22. get around规避(法律等);走动

23. get at到达;了解;查明

24. get away with侥幸做成;侥幸得手

25. get away逃脱;离开;出发


1. get back at报复

2. get by通过;走过,侥幸躲过

3. get down to work认真开始工作

4. get down to开始认真考虑或对待

5. get down从…下来;下车;写下

6. get hold of一把抓住;掌握;得到

7. get in with参加,加入;与…交往

8. get in收获;收(税等);抵达

9. get into debt借债,负债

10. get into the act插手…以便得到好处

11. get into对…发生兴趣;卷入

12. get off下车;离开;开始

13. get on to知道;意识到

14. get on with与…友好相处;继续干

15. get on骑上(马等);过活

16. get one's hands on得到,找到;占有

17. get out of逃避;摆脱;改掉

18. get out离去;(消息等)泄漏

19. get over克服(困难等)

20. get ready(使)准备好

21. get rid of摆脱,除去

22. get the best of胜过,打赢

23. get the better of打败,智胜

24. get the better of占上风;克服;抑制

get through到达;完成;接通电话


1. for all that尽管,虽然

2. for certain肯定地;确凿地

3. for ever永远

4. for example例如

5. for fear of由于害怕;生怕,以免

6. for fear that以免;生怕,唯恐

7. for good永久地;一劳永逸地

8. for instance例如,比如,举例说

9. for lack of因缺乏;因没有

10. for life终身

11. for sale[seil]待售,出售的

12. for short简称,缩写

13. for sure确实,毫无疑问地

14. for the best(完全)出于好意

15. for the better好转,向好的方向发展

16. for the future从今以后,在今后

17. for the moment暂时;目前

18. for the present目前,暂时,暂且

19. for the rest至于其余,至于其它

20. for the sake of为了,为了…的利益

21. for the time being暂时,眼下

22. for what it is worth不论真假

23. forget about忘记

24. forgive sb. for sth.原谅某人(做了)某事

25. free and easy不拘形式的;随便的
