
发布时间:2017-05-17 18:17


小学三年级经典英语诗歌:My Old Uncle Wheeler

My old Uncle Wheeler

the instrument dealer

sells cellos, pianos, guitars.

He also sells mandolins,

banjos and violins,

zithers and harps and sitars.

He sells all these things

that play music with strings

at low prices that cannot be matched.

His discounts are deep

and his prices so cheap

'cause he sells them with no strings attached!

小学三年级经典英语诗歌:Our Family's Not from Mercury

Our family's not from Mercury.

We've never been to Venus.

I'm certain, if we had been, that

somebody would have seen us.

We've never flown to planet Mars

and never gone to Jupiter.

Suggestions that we've traveled there

could not be any stupider.

We've never stood on Neptune's shores.

We've never circled Saturn

or seen its lovely colored rings

in their concentric pattern.

We haven't been to Uranus

and Pluto's much too distant.

(Our folks refused to take us

even though we were insistent.)

It wasn't up in outer space

our parents gave us birth.

They had us right here safe at home

on dear old planet Earth.

So what I simply can't explain

is why my sister, Janet,

behaves as if she were a creature

from another planet!

小学三年级经典英语诗歌:I'm Arranging All My Pencils

I'm arranging all my pencils

in a pattern on the table

and I'm putting all my papers

in a pattern on the floor,

so I'm certain that my teacher

thinks I'm mentally unstable

and I'm hoping that she won't

assign me homework anymore.

But my teacher doesn't notice

and assigns me lots of reading,

so instead I've started coloring

my fingers and my face.

Now my plan to make her see me

is undoubtedly succeeding

and she probably believes

that I belong in outer space.

Yet again she hasn't seen me

acting dingy as a doorbell

as I'm coloring my elbows

and my ankles and my knees,

so I'm dancing like a dodo

as I whistle and I warble

and she has to think I'm bonkers

or my brain is made of cheese.

Still she doesn't bat an eyelash

as she gives me lots of writing

and she doesn't even giggle

when she's handing out the math.

So although my little plan was

undeniably exciting,

now I have to get my papers

and go home and take a bath.

小学三年级经典英语诗歌:I've Got a Secret

I've got a secret! Oh, I've got a secret!

But I made a promise I wouldn't repeat it.

I've got a secret! Yes, I've got a secret!

But I took an oath and I vowed I would keep it.

Nothing and no one can make me reveal

this wonderful secret I swore I'd conceal.

No form of torture can make me disclose,

this secret I promised I wouldn't expose.

From now until doomsday my secret I'll keep,

I won't breathe a whisper or utter a peep.

Unless you assure me that you'll keep it too,

Then maybe, just maybe, I'll share it with you.

小学三年级经典英语诗歌:Deer Mrs. Teecher

Deer Mrs. Teecher,

This noat iz too say

that Brittney iz

undur the whether tooday.

So tho Brittney noes

how importent it iz,

she kant cumb too skool

fore tooday's speling kwiz.
