减轻精神压力的三种有效方法 双语

发布时间:2016-12-01 22:41

你每天都说“我压力真大”,说明你的压力还真的不小。积极向上的心态对减少神经压力非常重要。下面是小编整理的双语美文:减轻精神压力的三种有效方法 ,欢迎大家阅读!

Three Powerful Steps to Relieve Stress

What is stress? Why do we have stress? How can we relieve stress?

Do you ever feel like you have too much on your plate? Everyone expects something from you andyou don't seem to have the time required to deliver. You notice the muscles in your neck andshoulders become tense and painful, your head hurts, you feel a bit queasy in your stomach, andyour heart races. These are all signs that your body is stressed.

Stress is inevitable and no one can ever be stress free. The body has a built in mechanism topush us through difficult situations. When you have a lot on your plate the biological changes thatoccur are that your body releases two stress hormones, one is cortisol and the other adrenaline.Prolonged affects can become destructive in that these two chemicals actually suppress theimmune system and can cause numerous health problems like heart disease, stroke, cancer, anddepression. The stress hormones are released in the body, this is referred to as the "fight orflight" response. The adrenaline and cortisol is released to aid in a physical form,for example youare in a car accident and a loved one is pinned under the vehicle, you suddenly have the strength topick up the vehicle to pull the loved one out. You didn't turn into the incredible Hulk although thechemicals in your body do provide an instant surge of strength that makes you feel like the biggreen monster!

Over time when you suffer from psychological or mental stress these chemicals build up in thebody without an outlet to dispel them. An abundance of these stress hormones over a prolongedperiod of time can cause numerous health issues, depression, anxiety, and panic disorders.

Three Tips for Relieving the Stress Hormones

减轻精神压力的三种有效方法 双语

1. Exercise

Taking time to exercise will not only improve your body and its physical appearance it will assist inreleasing the stress hormones that have been building up. A daily vigorous walk, jogging, weightlifting, aerobics, swimming, bike riding, dancing or a dance class, football, basketball, etc are all greatways to relieve the chemical stress hormones.

2. Eating Right

Eating a balanced diet will not only make you feel better it will relieve some of the stress andcertainly won't add to it. When you eat a diet high in sugars, cholesterol, and fat, you add to thetrauma in your system. Concentrate on a high protein, veggie, fruit diet and you will seeremarkable improvements. Also whole grains promote production of the brain neurotransmitterserotonin for a greater sense of well-being. When you combine healthier eating with exercise yourbody will respond favorably and the stress levels will start to decrease.

3. Change Your Mindset

If you walk around all day saying "I'm so stressed", you will be. Positive thinking is crucial torelieving the mental stress. Our minds are so powerful that we can actually increase our stress bythe way we think and the things we speak. If you develop a new mindset that is positive in natureand optimistic, studies have shown this to be a reliever of stress. Meditation is a prime way tochange your mindset and refocus on the positives and what is really important. Try yoga orvisualization imagery to assist.






1. 锻炼身体


2. 合理膳食


3. 调整心态


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