1. Brother and Sister usually get along very well. They take turns with the bathroom. They say "please" and "thank you" at breakfast.
2. They often sit together on the school bus. And after school they work together to build a big toy: their own tree house.
3. But one morning Brother and Sister don't get along well! Sister Bear opens her eyes and sits up. Her legs hang over Brother Bear's face. Brother is not happy.
4. "Sister!" he shouts. "Get your stupid feet away!" "My feet aren't stupid!" she shouts back.
5. "Get your stupid face away!" shouts Brother. "You shut up!"
6. Sister runs into the bathroom. She stays in the bathroom for a very long time. She brushes her teeth, washes up, and brushes her hair very slowly.
7. "You come out of that bathroom!" shouts Brother. He bangs on the door.
8. Papa comes out of his bedroom. "Brother Bear, don't shout at your sister," he says. "But she's not coming out. She does it on purpose!"
9. Just then, the door opens. Sister comes out happily. "Good morning, Papa," she says. It makes Brother so angry! What will he do?
小学3年级的英语故事:Father's Things
When Peter is 17, he is as tall as his father. So he begins to borrow his father's clothes when he wants to go out with his father's clothes when he wants to go out with his friends in the evening. Father doesn't like this. And he always gets very angry when he finds his son wearing any of his things.
One evening when Peter is about to go out; his father stops him in the living room. He looks at Peter's clothes very carefully. Then he says angrily, "Isn't that one of my ties, Peter?"
"Yes, Father, it is," answers Peter.
"And that shirt is mine, too."
"Yes, that's your, too." answers Peter.
"And you're wearing my belt!"
"Yes, I am, Father," answers Peter, "You don't want to your trousers to fall down, do you?"
小学3年级的英语故事:The Ox and the Dog
An ox and a dog serve for the same farmer.
One day the dog arrogantly says: "How grand I am! In the daytime, I watch out for the cattle in the meadows; at night, I guard the house. But you…"
"Me? How about me ?" the ox says
"You can only plough or draw a cart," the dog slightly says.
"Yes. It's true," the ox says. "But if I don't plough, what do you guard?"
"我?我怎么啦?" 牛反问。