人教版初一上册英语Unit 3检测试题及答案

发布时间:2017-04-17 15:38

特别是在英语考试快要到来的时候,教师们应该在怎么样的去准备好自己的课堂教学的复习工作呢?让我们来为学生们制订一份良好的考试卷吧!以下是由小编收集整理的人教版初一上册英语Unit 3检测试题,欢迎阅读!

人教版初一上册英语Unit 3检测试题



1. A. yes B. case C. base

2. A. call B. all C. spell

3. A. last B. let’s C. lost

4. A. gold B. girl C. gate

5. A. nine B. no C. know


6. A. Hello! B. Good morning! C. I’m fine.

7. A. Hi, I’m John. B. What do you do? C. I’m John.

8. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. I’m Tom. C. His name is Alan.

9. A. He’s 12. B. It’s white. C. It’s 284-5179.

10. A. Is this your family name?

B. Is this your first name?

C. Is this your full name?


11. A. Yellow. B. Black. C. Blue.

12. A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t. C. Sorry, I don’t know.

13. A. They are the girl’s. B. They are Bob’s. C. They are Jim’s.

14. A. Yes, it is Tom’s. B. Yes, it is. C. No, it isn’t.

15. A. 459-3862. B. 495-3682. C. 495-3862.



Is this your 16 ?

Please call 17 .

Phone 136-2087.


My 18 .

My name is 19 .

Please phone 20 .


1. —Can I use your e-dictionary?

—Sorry. I don’t have _______.

A. it B. this C. that D. one

2. —_______. Is this his pencil?

—_______, I don’t know.

A. Sorry; Excuse me B. Sorry; OK C. Excuse me; Sorry D. Excuse me; Yes

3. That’s _______ ID card.

A. a B. an C. she’s D. hers

4. —How do you spell “box”?


A. It’s a box B. B-O-X C. A box D. b-o-x

5. Please call me _______ 555-6879.

A. for B. at C. in D. for

6. —Are you Jenny?


A. Yes, I’m B. Yes, I’m not C. No, I am D. Yes, I am

7. Frank found a set of _______.

A. key B. keys C. a key D. two keys

8. (2016•四川攀枝花中考)—Excuse me, whose bag is it? I found it in the waiting room.

—Oh, it’s _______. Thanks.

A. me B. my C. myself D. mine

9. _______ my book. _______ your book.

A. This is; That’s B. This’s; That’s C. This is; It’s D. This’s; That is

10. Ask Tom _______ your computer game.

A. at B. for C. behind D. in


Hello, boys and girls! I 1 Frank Smith. Frank is my 2 name. Smith is my 3

name. This is 4 backpack. It is black. Oh, that is 5 eraser. It’s 6 . But (但是) it

7 my eraser. I found it 8 the classroom. Is this 9 eraser? Please 10 me at 687-5926.

1. A. is B. are C. am D. be

2. A. last B. family C. full D. first

3. A. first B. middle C. last D. given

4. A. mine B. my C. I D. me

5. A. a B. an C. the D. /

6. A. white B. white color C. a white D. the white

7. A. are B. is C. isn’t D. aren’t

8. A. in B. to C. of D. at

9. A. your B. you C. me D. my

10. A. meet B. call C. thank D. look



Lost: My new bike.

It is red.

My name is Jimmy.

Please call me at 678-42190.

Found: Is this your ring?

Please call Betty.

Phone 892-02311.

Lost: My baseball.

My name is Bruce.

Please call me at 708-52097.

Found: Is this your backpack?

Please call David.

Phone 291-20845.

1. Who lost a bike?

A. Betty. B. Jimmy. C. Bruce. D. David.

2. Is the ring Betty’s?

A. Yes, it is. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, this is. D. No, it is David’s.

3. What color is Jimmy’s new bike?

A. Green. B. White. C. Black. D. Red.

4. Who can you call for the backpack?

A. Betty. B. Jimmy. C. Bruce. D. David.

5. What is Bruce’s phone number?

A. 678-42190. B. 892-02311. C. 708-52097. D. 291-20845.


My name is Alan. I have some friends. These are my friends and their school things. Look! This is Mike. He has a new book. This is Gina and this is her dictionary. She always uses(用) it. She’s a good student. This boy is Jack. Is that his key? Yes, it is. It’s a white key. And that’s Nick. He lost his pen. It is black. Can you help him find it?


6. Alan has(有) some friends.

7. Bob has a new book.

8. This is Gina’s dictionary.

9. Jack’s key is black.

10. Nick lost his pen.


1. I _______(必须) go to school on weekdays(工作日).

2. These are _______(一些)books.

3. There is a big _______(图书馆) in my school.

4. Is this your _______(词典)?

5. Please _______(打电话) me. My phone number is 366-4455.

人教版初一上册英语Unit 3检测试题及答案的评论条评论