
发布时间:2017-02-24 13:23




Ecological building and rather well-known foreign architects

Abstract Generally stating the

concept and the expression of ecological buldings and comparing Thomas Herzog and Norman Foster'stheories and works of ecological buildings to learn and acknowledge ecological buildings,this articIe wants to stimuIate Chinese architect s’ attention and consideration of ecological buildings by the Outstanding achievement of the two masters.

Key Words Thomas Herzog,Norman Foster, EcologicaI building, Expressjon form of ecological building,Theory Of ecological bullding.Ecological esthetic

Now, with the people continue to enhance the prevention of environmental pollution and maintaining ecological balance awareness, as well as urban greening, increasing development, to create low energy, sustainable development of eco-building environment of the new building research, more and more attention and respected. So, what kind of building could be called eco-buildings?

The concept of eco-building The so-called eco-building, according to the local natural environment, the use of the principle of ecology, building technology, science and other relevant subject knowledge, reasonably arrange and organize the relationship between buildings and other relevant factors in the field and the environment form an organic combination ofoverall, and suitable for human dwelling. Ecological building must meet the following four points: first, to be coordinated with the surrounding environment, and has protective effects on the surrounding ecological environment; buildings must not be on the natural environment caused by pollution or destruction of buildings within the usercan better to enjoy nature and feel that conferred comfortable and pleasant;The interior design should try to return to nature, such as natural lighting,natural ventilation, use of solar energy, the ideal indoor green; Fourth, a variety of substances, the source within the building systems can be orderedcycle of conversion. To sum up is to achieve respect for the environment andreturn to nature Manifestations of ecological building.

For the above definition, the present ecological architecture instance,manifestations of ecological building can be summarized as follows:

2.1 building energy efficiency

View to the current architectural trend, low-power has become one of theimportant symbol of ecological building. The more common way to solar, wind, hydro, geothermal and other non-polluting energy, directly or throughtechnology transfer, building use form, to help the building to reduce energy consumption in lighting, ventilation, heating, etc..

2.2 Building pollution prevention and control

Pollution prevention and control of the building is an important part of the ecological construction. The core issue of environmental protection has always been one of the waste problem. People's concept of pollution controlto focus only on production, the life process in sewagmagradually turned to the building from construction to operation andmaintenance of pollution control in the process.

2.3 building re-use resources

In the entire world's energy consumption 50% in building construction,maintenance and use of consumption, so efficient use of resources,recycling and reduce the impact on the natural environment is the construction of resource use in ecological building to be rapidly improving link.

In recent years, the emergence of ecological building materials ③ alleviatethis problem. First of all the main characteristics of saving resources and energy, followed by reducing environmental pollution, and finally the easyrecovery and recycling.

Above discussion, a certain understanding of the ecological building.However, in order to further study the ecological building, is not enough torely on theoretical explanations, we need to analyze some examples, theory and practice, scientific research and understanding of ecological building.Below through the analysis and comparison of eco-building ideas and works of two masters (Thomas Herzog and Norman Foster), to further understanding and study of ecological architecture, and learn from themaster of thought and practice nutrition, explore the development and prospects of ecological construction in China.

3.Thomas Herzog

Thomas Herzog is a perfect combination of technology and the arts, have a deep sense of mission at the same time on the ecology and environment of the German masters of architecture. His architectural works have a high level of technology, the essential meaning of his work lies in its ecological concern, not only in his design, in the course of teaching, often exhibitions, a large number of works, in cooperation with other architects, he personally.He goes beyond the paradigm of modern architecture, and replaced with more eco-dumping Value orientation, and this orientation is bound to replace the old paradigm.

3.1 Thomas Herzog, ecological building thought

Thomas Herzog rarely impose their own creative aspirations on the environment above, but to speculate and listen to the change process and the cycle of the ecological environment, the spirit of participation and cooperation to complete his work. His ecological building human and artificial matter to a natural and man-made natural cordial and harmonious situation. He always adhere to the principle of "from ecology to architecture, from technology to nature", he has eco sublimated into a mental and spiritual, and throughout his life, the building design process.

Thomas Herzog's design is not considered an isolated internal and external form, on the contrary, his designs expanded to all aspects of the built environment and the relationship between the shape. In addition, he attaches great importance to work closely with other professionals to give greater freedom of architectural design activities through the development of new materials, new components, the new system and appropriate design tools, and ultimately to achieve the unity of the building and the natural environment coordination, as well as building its own sustainable development.

Thomas Herzog in the architectural activities in addition to transport

In a variety of new materials, new components, the new system, has been updated in the research and development, more ecological, more reasonable materials, components and systems. Such as: Peituo Kaposi external wall system, Fischer facade assembly system, solar grid system, and so on. Thomas Herzog is more concerned about the accuracy and efficiency of the buildings in harmony with their surroundings on the basis of their own energy-saving technology

Thomas Herzog rarely own creative desire to impose. Architectural detail through carefully designed to improve resource and energy use efficiency, and reduce the cost of non-renewable resources to focus on the ecological environment.

Thomas believes that architects should take advantage of the technology, because of high efficiency by using much less material than conventional practice materials to meet the same functional requirements. Of course, the introduction of new technology, they must be correct and proper. He also is very concerned about the flexibility of the design flexibility and architectural elements, not only emphasizes the flexibility of the building function, but also stressed that the flexibility and versatility of the architectural details.

4.1 Norman Foster ecological building thinking

The introduction of some of the ecological building exist today, and many architects of ecological building creative ideas, the vast majority focused on the use and adaptation of the material aspects of the construction of the external environment, such as solar energy, use of groundwater. These mostly belong to the understanding and use of building physics. Norman Foster building constructed as a space and place is established not merely meet the physical meaning of comfort should be a higher level of development to meet the cultural needs of the people, aesthetic orientation.His concern for the environment can be seen from the London Guildhall,and the transformation of modern technology and aesthetic orientation, theperfect combination of ecology and art is the perfect embodiment of a new aesthetic - Ecological Aesthetics.

In addition to the above concerns, Norman Foster also paid great attention to micro-climate inside the building, he can focus on buildingmicro-climate specific grouped into three areas: First, a suitabletemperature and humidity (to meet the thermal comfort and health requirements); as far as possible, the most access to natural light (reducingthe energy consumption of artificial lighting); maximize natural ventilation (to reduce air conditioning energy consumption). However, under different climatic conditions different focus and approach of the above three elements. Thus, by the most efficient artificial means to achieve these objectives, or to achieve a balance between the various elements of Foster's relentless pursuit direction. In the two works in the south of France:Cary Center for the Arts and the Frederick Eustace place middle vocational schools is the full performance of his raw state climate concept. His design not only runs through the concept of ecological design, but also fully embodies the attention and respect of traditional cultural and geographical culture, compared with the past completely self-centered high-tech school ",this change is undoubtedly is very profound. It makes high-tech school "goes beyond a simple external style and step into a deeper realm. It can be said at this point he pointed out the direction for the future of high-techschool ", but also provided valuable experience for our commitment to eco-building architects in the field. 5 comparison of two masters

Can be seen through the eco-building ideas and works of two masters of architecture:

5.1 in common

The two masters of architecture in the field of ecological building made outstanding contributions to advocate with the new materials, new technologies, new systems and the appropriate design tools to complete their ecological construction works; emphasized in man and nature,architecture and nature harmony on the basis of up to create a morecomfortable working and living environment of mankind; for the same target from different aspects of making unremitting efforts to create a better environment to human beings, more spiritual and material wealth to leave our future generations .

5.2 The difference

Thomas Herzog in ecological architecture is mainly from the overall environment of staff (including the surrounding environment and buildingtheir own environment), and ecological building design and research; he has been emphasized from the human point of view of sustainable development, rather than short when the viewpoint of local issues; he not only cares about the past and present, he is more concerned about the future; he not only cares about the local area, but also with relevant regionaland even the future may impact the area; him more is the use of new technologies, building detail and from different disciplines collaborate to reach the building and the surrounding environment and the people and the natural harmony and symbiosis; he stressed that eco-construction is not anarchitectural form, but Ecology as an attitude and spirit throughout the design process and its life;more comprehensive and thorough research in ecological construction,ecological building design in the true sense of the truly harmony with their surroundings, and the surrounding eco-environmental protection, respect for the environment and return to nature.

In ecological architecture, Norman Foster mainly to meet the cultural needs of the people's, aesthetic orientation to achieve the perfect combination ofecology and art; space creation through technical support and building internal and external body to respond to nature, integration of large natural.Ecological building design and works a greater degree of purpose to reach people yearning to nature and enjoy nature, the concept of micro-ecological climate to some extent, more in line with the ecological concept of "high-tech school" building. He is the use of ecological building epidermis and flexible, applicable to the internal space between the perfect combination to achieve the building itself and the coordination and integration of the surrounding environment.


Eco-building ideas and works of two masters of architecture to there velation: eco-building is not a fashionable style and labels, not just a slogan. In such an economic and technological levels in China are not very advanced countries, all aspects of the construction industry should carry out ecological architectural thinking. In fact, there are some to adapt to thenatural environment, building products, such as: the cave of the northwest -pure green buildings, low energy consumption, low pollution, cool and pleasant environment, as well as a yurt in the steppes, the wind tower inXinjiang and so on. China's future construction should not blindly follow the example of all the foreign genre, this simply from the formal transfer, is not conducive to the formation of China's architectural features and is also astifle the creativity of the construction workers. As Thomas Herzog said:"We can not simply develop an ecology of international standards in different countries have different conditions at different times, or should beaccording to national circumstances."

China is a populous country, the state of the environment It is worrying, the relative lack of resources in China. It is not possible in a short time with the developed countries havethe technology, materials, systems, and theoretical support, which we need to proceed from reality, with the experience of other countries seeking eco-construction of roads suitable for China.

At present, our research, practice and understanding of the ecological building there are many deficiencies, therefore, a targeted strategy is particularly necessary. Combined with our own situation, I believe that to try from the following points: First, strengthen the propaganda of ecologicalawareness and ecological building, in order to arouse the attention of the whole people, to cultivate ecological awareness; theb organization ofecological building research institutions, ecological building and its related areas of research and development, provide strong support for the practice of Chinese architects; outline of the college of Architecture Education to increase the proportion of eco-construction of knowledge and design courses; through the establishment of mechanisms to encourage and promote the development of eco-building . Many developed countries areor have already done so, and have achieved good results.


Diao Wenyi. Frankfurt Commercial Bank Building. Central building, 1999 (3):48-51. Xi Yu cheng. Construction, ecological building, digital eco-building. Huazhong Architecture, 2005 (5) :68-69.

3 jin cheng. Ecological studies of Mistakes Architecture, 2001 (5): 18

4 Zheng Wei mai the ecological high-tech construction. Huazhong Architecture 1999 5 wan yuan books of contemporary Western architectural aesthetics. Nanjing: Southeast University Press. 2 () 01.

6 for Thomas Herzog - Architecture +technology. Li Baofeng translated Beijing: China Architecture & Building

Publishing House. 2003




托马斯·赫尔佐格 诺曼-福斯特 生态建筑 生态建筑的表现形式生态建筑思想 生态美学



1 生态建筑的概念

所谓生态建筑,就是根据当地自然生态环境,运用生态学、建筑技术科学的原理和其他相关学科知识,合理地安排并组织建筑与其他领域相关因素之间的关系,使其与环境形成一个有机结合的整体,且适合人类的栖居。生态建筑必须满足以下四点:第一,必须与周围环境协调,并且对周围生态环境起到保护作用;第二,建筑物本身绝不可对自然环境造成污染或破坏,建筑物内部的使用者能较好地享受大自然并感受到其赋予的舒适和愉快;第三.室内设计应尽量回归自然,如天然采光、自然通风、利用太阳能、理想的室内绿化等;第四,各种物质、源在建筑系统内可以有序的循环转换。归纳起来也就是要做到尊重环境和回归自然。 2生态建筑的表现形式










3托马斯·赫尔佐格(Thomas HerZoq)

托马斯·赫尔佐格是一位将技术和艺术完美结合,同时对生态、环境等负有深深使命感的德国建筑大师。他的建筑作品具有很高的工艺技术水平,他工作的本质意义在于其对生态的关注,这不仅体现在他的设计中,在教学当中、在经常举办的展览中、在大量的著作中、在与其他建筑师进行的合作当中,他都身体力行。他超越了现代建筑的范式,并代之以更具生态倾 向的价值取向,而这种取向必然取代旧的范式。

3.1 托马斯·赫尔佐格的生态建筑思想

托马斯·赫尔佐格很少把自己的创作愿望强加于环境之上,而是推测和听从生态环境的变化过程和循环,本着参与及合作的精神去完成他的工作。他的生态建筑思想是将人类和所有的人工制造物达到一个自然和人造自然的亲切和睦的境地。他始终坚持“从生态到建筑,从技术到自然”的原则,他已经把生态升华成一种思想和精神,并以此贯穿他一生的建筑设计过程。 托马斯·赫尔佐格的设计不仅仅考虑一个孤立的内部工作和外在形式,相反,他的设计扩大到对影响建筑环境的所有方面及相互关系的塑造。另外,他十分注重和其他各方面专业人士的紧密合作,通过对新材料、新构件、新系统和合适的设计工具的发展给予建筑设计活动更大的自由,并最终达到建筑与自然环境的统一协调,以及建筑自身的可持续发展。


用各种新材料、新构件、新系统之外,也一直在研究和开发更新、更生态、更合理的材料、构件和系统。如:佩托卡波那外墙体系、菲舍尔立面组装系统、日光栅格系统等。托马斯·赫尔佐格更关注的是建筑物在与周围环境协调基础上自身的节能程度、技术的精确性和高效 托马斯·赫尔佐格很少把自己的创作愿望强加于性。通过精心设计的建筑细部提高资源和能源的利用效率,减少不可再生资源的耗费,来达到对生态环境的关注。




诺曼·福斯特除了以上关注点外还十分注重建筑物内部的微观气候,他对建筑微观气候的关注可以具体归纳为三方面:一是适宜的室内温度和湿度(满足人体热舒适及健康的要求);二是尽可能最多地获得自然采光(减少人工照明的能耗);三是最大限度地获得自然通风(减少空调能耗)。但在不同气候条件下对以上三要素的侧重点和处理方式又有所不同。因此,通过最高效的人工技术手段来实现以上目标或达到各要素之间的平衡就成为福斯特不懈追求的方向。他在法国南部的两个作品:卡里艺术中心和弗雷尤斯地方中等职业中学就是对他生的态气候观的充分表现。他的设计中不仅贯穿着生态设计的理念,同时也充分体现了对传统文脉和地域文化的关注和尊重,与过去的完全以自我为中心的“高技派”相比,这一转变无疑是十分深刻的。它使得“高技派”超越了一种简单的外在风格而步入更深层次的境界。在这一点上可以说他为“高技派”的未来指明了方向,同时也为我国致力于生态建筑领域的建筑师提供了宝贵的经验。 5两位大师的对比






托马斯·赫尔佐格在生态建筑方面主要是从整体环境人手(包括周围环境和建筑物自身环境),去进行生态建筑的设计和研究;他一直强调要从人类持续发展的角度,而非短时、局部的视点看问题;他不仅关心过去和现在,他更关心未来;他不仅关心本地区域,而且关心相关区域甚至将来可能会产生影响的区域;他更多的是借助与新技术、建筑细部以及不同学科的协作来达到建筑物和周围环境以及人与自然的和谐与共生;他所强调的生态建筑不是一种建筑形式,而是 将生态作为一种态度和精神贯穿于他的设计过程及其一生;他在生态建筑方面的研究更加全面和彻底,是真正意义上的生态建筑设计,真正做到了与周围环境协调,并且对周围生态环境起到保护作用,尊重环境和回归自然。


结 语



■ 参考文献



3 金武.生态研究的误区华中建筑,2001(5):18

4 郑炜迈向生态的高技术建筑.华中建筑,1999(1):105—110.

5 万书元当代西方建筑美学.南京:东南大学出版社.2()01.

6 英格伯格·弗拉格等著托马斯·赫尔佐格——建筑+技术.李保峰译北京:中国建筑工业出 版社。2003



1. acoustic design of auditorium 厅堂音质设计

2. architectural ensemble 城市建筑群

3. boulevard 林荫道(美)

4. curtain wall 幕墙

5. floor finishing 地面

6. green wedge 楔形绿地

7. earth construction 生土建筑

8. electro-magnetic shielding in builing 建筑电磁屏蔽

9. conurbation 城镇积聚区

10.broadacre city 广亩城市

11. insulation against air-borne sound 空气声隔声

12. hollow bond wall 空斗墙

13. building complex 综合体建筑

14. modular co-ordination in building 建筑模数协调

15. aseismic construction 建筑防震

16. auditorium balcony 观众厅挑台

17. baroque architecture 巴洛克建筑

18. eclectic architecture 折衷主义建筑

19. habitable space standard 居住面积标准

20. illumination on building facade 建筑夜景照明

21. light steel construction 轻型钢结构建筑

22. building line 建筑红线

23. bundle-structure construction 筒体结构建筑

24. classical architectural order 古典柱式

25. column-and-tie construction 穿斗式构架

26. corbel 叠涩(以砖或石料层层向外出跳跨空的砌筑方法,也指用此法砌筑成的构件)

27. damp-proofing for outer envelope 外围护结构防潮

29. daylight calculation 采光计算

30. decorated wall 花墙

31. deformation joint 变形缝

32. ekistics 人类聚居学

33. entourage 建筑环境设计

34. flower bed 花坛

35. functionalism architecture 功能主义建筑

36. habitable space standard 居住面积标准

37. high-rise 高层建筑

38. housing estate 居住小区

39. intercities traffic 城市对外交通

40. plot ratio 用地容积率

41. post-and-lintel construction 抬梁式构架

42. prefabreicated construction 装配式建筑

43. quota for public open space 城市公共绿地定额

44. radiation-proof in building 建筑辐射防护

45. ramp 坡道

46. revetment in garden 园林驳岸

47. scaffolding 搭材作

48. simulated boat 舫

49. social amenity 生活服务设施

50. solar building 太阳能建筑

51. assembly hall 会堂

52. rucoco style 洛可可风格

53. resort town 修养城市

54. sound-insulating criterion 隔声标准

55. skylight 天窗

56. urban sewerage system 城市排水系统

57. water storage roof 蓄水屋顶

58. visual property of light 光的视觉性质

59. space sound absorber 空间吸声体

60. theory of organic decentralization 有机疏散论


61.column-and-tie construction 穿斗式构架

62.log cabin construction 井斡式结构

63.bracket system 斗拱

64.upturned roof-ridge 翼角

65.pitch and curvature of roof 举架

66.tile-roofing 瓦作

67.orientation and levelling 取正定平

68.Romanesque architecture 罗曼建筑

69.Gothic architecuture 哥特式建筑

70.reinforced concrete and brick construction 砖混结构建筑

71.Hippodamus System 希波丹姆规划模式


72.new town movement 新城建运动

73.neighbourhood unit 邻里单位

74.segregation green belt 卫生防护地带

75.integrated design for surgrade piping system 城市工程管线综合设计

76.street furniture 城市建筑小品

77.cross-section of urban road 城市道路断面

78.functional zoning 城市功能分区

79.self-waterproofing roof 构件自防水屋顶

80.pitched roof 坡屋顶

81.multi-family building 多户住宅

82.architrave 额

83.classical architectural order 古典柱式

84.skeleton construction 骨架结构建筑

85.movable partition 活动隔断

86.code of thermal technique in building 建筑热工规范

87.De Architectura Libri Decem 《建筑十书》(维特鲁威著)

88.pitch and curvature of roof 举架

89.criterion of permissible building noise 建筑噪声容许标准

90.view borrowing 借景

91. joist 托梁

92. cast stone 铸石

93. colour glazed earthenware 琉璃制品

94. double course glass 中空玻璃

95. grout 灌浆材料

96. prestressed strand 钢绞线

97. building hardware 建筑小五金

98. solid-web girder bridge 实腹梁桥

99. cable-strayed bridge 斜张桥

100.combined-system bridge 组合体系桥

101.slab-column structure 板柱结构

102.undermining method 暗挖法

103.shallow compaction 表面夯实法

104.paper wall and paper ceiling 裱糊施工

105.underground diaphragm wall 地下连续墙

106.jacking 顶升

107.shield method 盾构法

108.reverse osmosis 反渗透

109.high alumina cement 高铝水泥

110.lime clay foundation 灰土基础

121.nonlinear mechanics 非线性力学

122.rheology 流变学

123.finite element method 有限元法

124.dead load 恒载

125.live load 活荷载

126.wind load 风荷载

127.safety factor 安全系数

128.plain concrete structure 素混凝土结构

129.prestressed concrete structure 预应力混凝土结构

130.bent frame 排架

111.mechanical properties of material 材料的力学性能

112.stress state and strain state 应力状态和应变状态

113.fracture mechanics 断裂力学

114.principle of statical equilibrium 静力平衡原理

115.principle of virtual work 虚功原理

116.displacement of structure 结构位移

117.method of force 力法

118.moment distribution method 力矩分配法

119.influence line 影响线

120.statical analysis of framed structure 杆系结构的静力分析

131.shear wall 剪力墙

132.folded-plate structure 折板结构

133.spatial grid structure 网架结构

134.pneumatic structure 充气结构

135.slab-wall structure 墙板结构

136.masonry structure 砌体结构

137.engineering survey 工程测量

138.bulk material 散装物料

139.urban topographic survey 城市地形测量

140.alllowable stress design method 容许应力设计法

141.neibourhood 里

142.fortified mannor house 坞壁

143.screen wall 影壁

144.terraced building 台榭

145.stone Dhanari column 石幢

146.niche and cabinet 龛橱

147.coffer 藻井

148.clinker less cement 无熟料水泥

149.water glass binder 水玻璃胶结料

150.inorganic coating 无机涂料
