
发布时间:2017-03-17 16:21


关于virus的英语作文:Computer Virus

A computer virus is a computer program that can copy itself and infect a computer without permission or knowledge of the user. The original may modify the copies or the copies may modify themselves, as occurs in a metamorphic virus. A virus can only spread from one computer to another when its host is taken to the uninfected computer, for instance by a user sending it over a network or carrying it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, or USB drive. Additionally, viruses can spread to other computers by infecting files on a network file system or a file system that is accessed by another computer. Viruses are sometimes confused with computer worms and Trojan horses. A worm, however, can spread itself to other computers without needing to be transferred as part of a host. A Trojan horse is a file that appears harmless until executed. In contrast to viruses, Trojan horses do not insert their code into other computer files. Many personal computers are now connected to the Internet and to local-area networks, facilitating their spread. Today's viruses may also take advantage of network services such as the World Wide Web, e-mail, and file sharing systems to spread, blurring the line between viruses and worms. Furthermore, some sources use an alternative terminology in which a virus is any form of self-replicating malware.

The term comes from the term virus in biology. A computer virus reproduces by making (possibly modified) copies of itself in the computer's memory, storage, or over a network. This is similar to the way a biological virus works.

Some viruses are programmed to damage the computer by damaging programs, deleting files, or reformatting the hard disk. Others are not designed to do any damage, but simply replicate themselves and perhaps make their presence known by presenting text, video, or audio messages. Even these benign viruses can create problems for the computer user. They typically take up computer memory used by legitimate programs. As a result, they often cause erratic behavior and can result in system crashes. In addition, many viruses are bug-ridden, and these bugs may lead to system crashes and data loss.

There are many viruses operating in the general Internet today, and new ones are discovered every day.


The computer virus is an outcome of the computer overgrowth in the 1980s.The cause of the term "computer virus" is the likeness between the biological virus and the evil program infected with computers.The origin of this term came from an American science fiction“ The Adolescence of P-1“ written by Thomas J. Ryan,published in 1977.Human viruses invade a living cell and turn it into a factory for manufacturing viruses. However, computer virusesare small programs. They replicate by attaching a copy of themselves to another program.

Once attached to me host Program,the viruses then look for other programs to "infect".In this way, he virus can spread quickly throughout a hard disk or an entire organization when it infects a LAN or a multi-user system. At some point,determined by how the virus was programmed the virus attacks.The timing of the attack can be linked to a number of situations,including a certain time or date, the presence of a particular file,the security privilege level of the user,and the number of times a file is used.Likewise,the mode of attack varies.So-called "benign" viruses might simply display a message,like the one that infected IBM’s main computer system last Christmas with a season’s greeting.Malignant viruses are designed to damage the system.The attack is to wipe out data, to delete flies, or to format the hard disk.

What Kind of Viruses Are There? There are four main types of viruses: shell, intrusive, operating system and source ode. Shell viruses wrap themselves around a host program and don’t modify the original program.Shell programs are easy to write,which is why about half of viruses are of this type. Intrusive viruses Invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program.Intrusive viruses are hard to write and very difficult to remove without damaging the host file.


计算机病毒是八十年代计算机飞速发展带来的结果,计算机病毒这一名词起因于在计算机上传染的有害程序与生物学中病毒的相似性,该名词起源于1977年出版的、由 Thomas J. Ryan写的一本美国科幻小说《p-1的青春》。人体病毒入侵活的细胞后,就把它转变成制造病毒的工厂。而计算机病毒是一些小程序,它们把自己的一个副本附加到另一个程序上面进行复制。



世界上已有许多国家发现了新型H1N1流感病毒(H1N1 flu virus)病例。据了解,人感染该病毒后会出现咳嗽、发烧、疲劳等症状。为了加强同学们的预防意识,(21世纪中学生英语报>正在举办征文活动,请你给该报投稿,描述感染该病毒的症状并谈一谈为了预防该病毒我们该怎么做,最后表达我们能战胜病毒的信心。提示词:cough, have a fever, feel tired, prevent, wash, exercise, sleep, believe

Nowadays, many countries in the world have found cases of the new H1N1 flu virus. It’s said that people with H1N1 flu virus will cough, have a fever and feel tired. To prevent the virus, we can do many things. Firstly, we’d better not go to places where there are many people. Secondly, we need to wash our hands often with soap and water, especially after we cough or sneeze. It's also a good habit for us to exercise regularly. It can not only help us keep fit but also improve our health against illness. And having a good sleep is important, too. People who are tired or under stress can get sick easily. And then, eat more fruit and vegetable to keep ourselves fit and strong. Last but not least, open the window and keep the air in the room fresh. If we all do these things, we will prevent the virus. So there is no need to be worried. I believe we will win through in the end.
