
发布时间:2017-06-01 09:18



1. 从那以后,这个以及其它几个地球资源卫星给地球表面拍摄了数以干计的照片。

Since then this and several other Landsat satellites have taken thousands of pictures of the earth's surface.

2. 那是英国工业一帆风顺的时期。从那以后,矿工们就过着清苦的日子,并且似乎可能继续这样过下去。

Those were the halcyon days of British industries. The banyan days have been with the miners since then,and seem likely to stay.

3. 那是英国工业一帆风顺的时期。从那以后,矿工们就过着清苦的日子,并且似乎可能继续这样过下去。

Those were the halcyon days of British industries.The banyan days have been with the miners since then, and seem likely to stay.

4. 从那以后,人民币对美钞已经升值8%。

Since then it has risen by only 8% against the greenback.

5. 从那以后,他就叫她教母,她则叫他教子。

From then on he called her godmother and she called hi godson.

6. 从那以后好几个月里,一些衣衫褴褛,满脸胡须、走坏了脚又往往饿着肚子的人,源源不绝地翻过红土山起来到塔拉农场,在屋前阴凉的台阶上休息,既要吃的又要在那里过夜。

And for months thereafter a stream of scarecrows, bearded, ragged, footsore and always hungry, toiled up the red hill to Tara and came to rest on the shady front steps, wanting food and a night's lodging.

7. 从那以后,法国220多个市镇以及西班牙、比利时和希腊的其他一些市镇都运用Epode来帮助管理其项目。

Epode has since been recruited to help administer its program in more than 220 towns in France and dozens of others in Spain, Belgium and Greece.

8. 从那以后,恩底弥翁就再也没有醒来过。

So Endymion has been sleeping ever since.

9. 苹果操作系统,用的人很少,本人也只是在1986年初中时,隔着学校实验室的窗户看到过苹果机,没有摸过,从那以后,再也没有见过苹果机。

If you are using MacOS X, you may install the latest version of R (2.3.1 at this time) from the CRAN website http://cran.us.r-project.org/bin/macosx/.

10. 从那以后,我不再诅咒上帝,而是诅咒我的父亲。

After that I ceased to blaspheme, but I cursed my father.

11. 从那以后,这座山就称作雅典的最高法院,即“阿瑞斯之山”;而出审的法官们被称作雅典最高法院的法官。

The hill was ever after called Areopagus, "the hill of Ares", and the judges received the names of Areopagitae.

12. 现代艺术体操在1984年被首次引进奥运会,从那以后它就成了观众们喜爱的运动项目。

Modem Rhythmic Gymnastics Was first introduced into the Olympics in 1984, and since than has become a crowd favourite.

13. 从那以后,集成电路上组件的数量就以每年翻一番的速度递增。

Since that time the number of components on IC's,integrated circuits,has approximately doubled every year.

14. “沉睡的巨人”这个词语在1970年时为人所知,从那以后,就不断为人提起,甚至在那部可笑的电影“珍珠港”中也出现了。

The sleeping giant phrase started in 1970 and has been repeated ever since, even appearing in the (laughably stupid) “Pearl Harbor.

15. 从那以后,弗雷斯顿,现在63岁,一直漫游地球,访问30个其他国家,主要是在非洲和亚洲。

Ever since, Freston, now 63, has been roaming the planet, visiting 30 other countries, mainly in Africa and Asia.


1. 虽然考古学家把从那以后埋葬在埃及或者是世界其他地方的尸体叫做木乃伊,但是这些,比如埃及王朝统治以前的墓葬就已经在用天然的方法保存尸体了。

Although archaeologists use the word “mummy” for bodies buried in Egypt and elsewhere in the world after that time, these, like the Egyptian predynastic burials, have been preserved by natural means.

2. 从那以后,许多研究都证实了氟化物的价植。

Since then, many studies have confirmed the value of fluoride.

3. 从那以后,总理维利勃兰特得出这样的结论:社会主义民主党主张采取东方政策坚定不移。

Ever since Chancellor Willy Brandt came up with the notion, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has been wedded to Ostpolitik.

4. 反正,从那以后,谁都没有再见到过那只小老鼠。

In any case, from then on, everybody does not have goodbye to have been to that mousie.

5. 从那以后,福克兰群岛公司一直是颇有赢余的。

The Falkland Islands Co, has been a tidy little moneymaker ever since.

6. 从那以后,那儿麋鹿的数量大大增加了。

Since then the number of milu there has greatly increased.

7. 从那以后,诸如面向对象编程(OOP)这样的技术进步使得开发人员远离了机器指令和对内存的直接管理。

Since then, technology advances such as object-oriented programming (OOP) have taken developers a long way from machine-level instructions and direct management of memory.

8. 从那以后,诸如面向对象编程(OP)样的技术进步使得开发人员远离了机器指令和对内存的直接管理。

Since then, technology advances such as object-oriented programming( OOP) have taken developers a long way from machine-level instructions and direct management of memory.

9. 从那以后,他声称他他神的儿子。

From that point on he calls himself divi filius -son of the divine.

10. 从那以后,我常常到那所位于玉米地边的小屋。

After that I would often slip away to the little cottage by the mealie lands.

11. 从那以后,我常常到那所位于玉米地边的小屋。

After those I will frequently slip away to the less cottage by the mealie earths.

12. 从那以后,我常常到那所位于玉米地边的小屋。

from that time,I ofen went that octtage by the mealie land.

13. 从那以后,已经制造出威力大得多的武器,产生的能量在兆吨级。

Since that time, much more powerful weapons, with energy yields in the megaton range, have been developed.

14. 从那以后,已经制造出威力大得多的武器,产生的能量在兆吨级。

Since that time, much more powerful weapons, with energy yields in the megaton range, have been developed

15. 从那以后,两口子一直回避着新闻媒体。家人和朋友都夸克莱尔,说是她让劳伦特消停下来的。

Since then, the pair have avoided the media. Family and friends give Claire credit for slowing Laurent down.


1. 以后他吩咐那身穿细麻衣的人说:"从轮子中间,从革鲁宾中间取火罢!"那人就前去,站在轮子旁边。

6 When he had commanded the man dressed in linen to take fire from within the wheelwork, among the cherubim, the man entered and stood by one of the wheels.

2. 熊听了这话,掉过头去就逃跑了,小裁缝不慌不忙地到了教堂,和公主举行婚礼典礼。从那以后,他们就像云雀似的过着快乐的生活。

Our young friend then drove on to the church as calm as you like,the princess gave him her hand at the altar,he lived with her as happy as a woodlark.

3. 从那以后里德就一直伺机报复贝克和杨。

Since then Reed has been waging a vendetta against Baker and Young.

4. 他在选举中从奥廷加的橙色民主运动中分离出来,并且从那以后一直与齐贝吉总统的民族团结党结成联盟。

They will go to the ODM's Musalia Mudavadi, who was also named local government minister, and Kibaki ally Uhuru Kenyatta, who will also serve as minister for trade.

5. 妇女被给与男子同样的权利,所以从那以后她们就能选举了。

Women were given the same rights as men, and thenceforth they could vote.

6. 中国的另一个问题是长江的洪水.20世纪90年代,长江流域发生了大规模的洪水灾难.从那以后,政府禁止砍伐长江沿岸的山林.

And that's the VOA Special English Agriculture Report, written by Jerilyn Watson.Archives of our reports are at voaspecialenglish.com.I'm Jim Tedder.

7. 从那以后她不得不躲着那个人。

She has to stop away from the man since then.

8. 我从那以后爱您,只要我可以记住,短的衣裤。

I have loved you since as long as I can remember, Shortie.

9. 从那以后,没有人捕杀海鸥了。

From then on no one killed a seagull.

10. 从那以后没有人再捕杀海鸥了。

From then on no one should ever kill a seagull.

11. 那就是我们在里米尼的情形,从那以后,每一次客场作战,我们的对手都爆发出惊人的力量。

That's how it was at Rimini and it's been like that on every away trip since.

12. 从那以后,他成了隐士

After that, he became a recluse.

13. 从那以后他们获得一些观点,现在大概有80000种不同的有效测验,几乎三分之二的顾主使用。

MURIEL: Which makes you think that there must be something in them.

14. 从那以后,他就永远地失踪了。

He has disappeared for ever since then.

15. 从那以后,我再也没见过她。

I haven't set eyes on her for a long time.
