
发布时间:2016-11-19 13:18


A civil servant in Shenzhen will be the subject of an internal investigation and a penalty from his employer even though he apologized to his parents on Sunday for beating them during family quarrels.

Liao Tianye, a public servant from the bureau of development and finance in Shenzhen's New Guangming district, got down on his knees to say "sorry" to his parents after several officials had paid a visit to his home on Sunday and asked him to "correct his mistakes".





公务员如今是“香饽饽”,你知道“公务员”的英语怎么说么?其实文中的“###civil servant”就是公务员的意思。从字面上理解来看就是“人民的公仆”的意思。另外,“public servant”也是公务员的意思。“internal investigation”就是“内部调查”。而penalty是处罚的意思,另外体育比赛上的处罚或者罚球,我们也可以用这个词,而不是punishment。
