
发布时间:2017-06-05 13:23



Music and literature 音乐与文学

What's your favorite kind of music?Do you like jazz?

He's a composer of serious music.I like his music a lot.

We went to a concert last night to hear the symphony orchestra.

My brother took lessons on the trumpet for nearly ten years.

You play the piano beautifully.How much do you practice every day?

I've never heard that piece before.Who wrote it?

Have you ever thought about becoming a professional musician?

Who is the author of this novel?

I've never read a more stirring story.

Who would you name as the greatest poet of our time?

This poetry is realistic.l don't care for it very much.

Many great writers were not appreciated fully while they were alive.

This is a poem about frontier life in the United States.

This writer uses vivid descriptions in his writings.

How much do you know about the works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow?


Radio and telephone 收音机和电视机

What channel did you watch on television last night?

I don't get a good picture on my TV set.There's something wrong.

You get good reception on your radio.

Please turn the radio up.It's too low.

What's on following the news and weather?Do you have a TV guide?

You ought to have Bill look at your TV.Maybe he could fix it.

We met one of the engineers over at the television station.

Where can I plug in the TV?Is this outlet all right?

I couldn't hear the program because there was too much static.

Your car radio works very well.What kind is it?

The next time I buy a TV set ,I'm going to buy a portable model.

I wouder if this is a local broadcast.

You'd get better TV reception if you had an outside antenna.

Most amateur radio operators build their own equipment.

Station WRC is off the air now.They signed off two hours ago.


Newspapers and magazines 报章杂志

I sent in a subscription to that magazine.It's put out every week.

If you subscribe to the newspaper,it'll be delivered to your door.

I didn't read the whole paper.I just glanced at the headlines.

The first chapter of the story is in this issue of the magazine.

I haven't seen the latest issue of the magazine.Is it out yet?

What's the total circulation of this newspaper?

I'm looking for the classified section.Have you seen it?

My brother-in-law is a reporter on The New York Times staff.

There was an article in today's paper about the election.

There wasn't much news in the paper today.

How long have you been taking this magazine?

Did you read the article about the rescue of the two fishermen?

Why don't you put an advertisement in the paper to sell your car?

I got four replies to my ad about the bicycle for sale.

My son has a newpaper route.He delivers the morning paper.


Recreation and sports 文体活动

Baseball is my favorite sport.What's your favorite?

My nephew is a baseball player.He is a catcher.

When you played football,what position did you play?

We played a game last night . The score was tired six-to-six.

I went to a boxing match last night.It was a good fight.

When I was on the track team,I used to run the quarter mile.

I like fishing and hunting,but I don't like swimming.

My favorite winter sport is skiing.I belong to a ski club.

Would you be interested in going to the horse races this afternoon?

The hardest thing to learn is to be a good loser.

Be a good sport. Play according to the rules of the game.

Our family went camping last summer.We had to buy a new tent.

This afternoon we went to the gym for a workout.We lifted weights.

What do you do for recreation?Do you have a hobby?

My muscles are sore from playing baseball.


Hobbies and interests 爱好和兴趣

My hobby is collecting stamps.Do you have a hobby?

I've always thought photography would be an interesting hobby.

Some people like horseback riding,but I prefer golfing as a hobby.

Do you have any special interests other than your job?

Learning foreign languages is just an avocation with me.

I find stamp collecting relaxing and it takes my mind off my work.

On weekends I like to get my mind off my work by reading good books.

My cousin is a member of a drama club . He seems to enjoy acting.

He plays the piano for his own enjoyment.

I've gotten interested in hi-fi.I'm building my own equipment.

He's not a professional.He plays the piano for the fun of it.

I've heard of unusual hobbies,but I've never heard of that one.

The trouble with photography is that it's an expensive hobby.

That's rare set of coins.How long did it take you to collect them?

I started a new hobby.I got tired of working in the garden.
