
发布时间:2017-04-13 16:49





( )26. It is __________ today than it was yesterday.

A. much hotter B. hoter C. very hotter D. more hotter

( )27. __________ number of the students in our class __________ 40.

A. The , is B. The, are C. A, is D. A, are

( )28. —What’s your best friend like?

—He __________.

A. likes playing computer games B. is like tall and thin

C. is a policeman D. is generous and cheerful

( )29. This story is a bit difficult. __________ read something easier?

A. Why not to B. Why don’t C. Why not D. Why not you

( )30. —Could you please buy an MP4 like this, Uncle?

—Sure. I’ll buy __________one than this, but __________ this.

A. a cheaper; as nice as B. a better; better than

C. a worse; as nice as D. a more expensive; worse than

( )31. Betty writes __________ than __________ student in her class.

A. more carefully; any B. more carefully; any other

C. more careful; any other D. more carefully; the other

( )32. —Shall we go skating tomorrow ?


A. You’re all right B. It’s very kind of you

C. You are right D. That’s a good idea

( )33. Tom’s uncle knows computers well, and he __________ a computer engineer .

A. maybe B. may be C. may be is D. may is

( )34. We’ll try our best to do the work with __________ money and __________ people .

A. few ; little B. a few ; a little C. less ; fewer D. fewer ; less

( )35. Max, do you have __________?

A. two more cakes B. two cakes more

C. two another cakes D. more two cakes

( )36. It’s true that Wendy has more books than __________. But my books are more

interesting than __________.

A. I; she B. I; hers C. mine; hers D. me; her

( )37. —__________ do you play baseball after school?

—Twice a week.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How much

( )38. —Mum, can I have something __________?

— Sorry. There is __________ in the fridge.

A. eating;nothing else B. to eat;nothing else

C. eating;else nothing D. to eat;else nothing

( )39. He is __________ honest boy. And he is __________ student in our class.

A. a; better B. an; best C. the; the best D. an; the best

( )40. When he walks __________ my desk, he often knocks my books off the desk.

A. passed B. past C. passing D. pass

( )41. When you are doing reading exercises, it is a good idea to __________ the questions before you read the articles(文章).

A. look over B. look after C. look through D. look into

( )42. — Is your e-friend in Year __________?

— No. He is in the __________ grade.

A. Eight; ninth B. Eighth; ninth C. Eight; nine D. Eighth; nine

( )43. Which sentence is likely(可能)to be spoken by Americans?

A. David Beckham is a popular soccer star.

B. The shops all have big sales before Christmas.

C. It doesn’t rain often in this city in autumn.

D. The holiday begins on July 1st.

( )44. I always spend lots of time __________ English. Now, I’m practicing __________ it.

A. to speak; to speak B. to speak; speaking

C. speaking; to speak D. speaking; speaking

( )45. —Our team won the basketball competition today! —__________.

A. I hope not. B. I'm not sure. C. I know. D. That's great!


I set up a classroom library of books that I bought with my own money. The library looks beautiful, like a flower shop. And my students like it very much. I read the children a story. It is about a girl who is so 46 that she wears the 47 dress to school every day. But she says she has a hundred dresses at home. The other girls laugh at her until she goes away. Later, her classmates find she really has a hundred dresses — a hundred beautiful 48 of dresses. Oh, God, every child 49 when I close the book. 50 almost five minutes, everything is quiet. Then a boy 51 in my ear, “I have to tell the class something.” He shows me that he has half a finger(手指)missing. I turn him to the class and put my hand on his shoulders(肩膀). He is a little nervous. “I…I only have nine and a half fingers.” He puts up his hands. “Please don’t laugh at me about it.” The students become 52 . Then one boy calls out, “ 53 who makes fun of(嘲笑)you , I’ll kick(踢)him.” “Me, too,” says 54 .When the boy sees the class become united(团结的), he is very 55 and smiles at me.

( )46. A. happy B. poor C. funny D. rich

( )47. A. expensive B. same C. different D. modern

( )48. A. bags B. rooms C. drawings D. boxes

( )49. A. smiles B. cry C. shout D. cries

( )50. A. For B. At C. Before D. On

( )51. A. speaks B. talks C. tells D. says

( )52. A. noisy B. noise C. noisily D. noises

( )53. A. Anybody B. No one C. Nobody D. None

( )54. A. the other B. others C. another D. other

( )55. A. sad B. worried C. sorry D. happy
