
发布时间:2017-03-16 13:33



Bright Dairy, a major Chinese producer of milk products, said it has recalled a batch of milk tainted by an alkaline cleaning product.

The products involved were 950-milliliter cartons of UBest, the company's high quality fresh milk, produced in a Shanghai plant on June 25. It was caused by some alkaline water used for cleaning that seeped into the milk on the production line, according to the company.


【讲解】文中的###alkaline water 即指碱水,alkaline是指碱的,碱性的,lye也可指碱液,酸性的英语可以说成 acidic,acid 指酸。milk 是指牛奶,脱脂牛奶可以说成 skim milk,全脂牛奶可以说成 whole milk,其他一些奶制品dairy product的英语表达为,酸奶 yogurt,奶粉 milk powder 或 powdered milk, 奶酪 cheese ,炼乳 condensed milk。
