
发布时间:2017-03-17 09:44




网 络Wonderful;Awesome;Great



What a great party!

1. This is a fabulous album. It's fresh, varied, fun. 这张专辑真 棒 ,新颖、有趣且富于变化。

2. The crops are excellent. 庄稼长得真 棒 .

3. There followed an assortment of praise for the coffee along the lines of "Hey, this coffee is fantastic!" 然后就是对咖啡的各种溢美之词,类似“嘿,这咖啡真 棒 !”等等。

4. " Good,'said Drouet; " fine, out o'sight! “ 好! "杜洛埃说, " 真 棒 极了.

5. Oh, you waltz so well, Captain Butler. 唔, 巴特勒船长,你的华尔兹跳得真 棒 .



6. This party's really where it's at, man! 啊, 这个晚会真 棒 !

7. A business trip? Great. I will not have to cook for at least three days. 出差 呀 ?真 棒 , 我至少三天不必烧饭了.

8. You've solved the puzzle at last? Well, bully for ` you! 你最后把这难题解决啦? 哦, 你可真 棒 !

9. Christopher, what an excellent game ! You're a terrific hockey player. 克里斯托弗, 这场冰球打得真 精彩,你的球艺真 棒 .

10. Hey, that food was wonderful! My stomach isn't growling at me anymore. 嘿! 这顿饭可真 棒 啊 !这下我的肚子不会再叫了.

11. Guo Li Team is wonderful, isn't it? 国力队真 棒 , 是不是?

12. That's cool. I feel proud of you. 真 棒 , 我为你感到自豪.

13. This place is nice, although I don't know what he wants with it. 这里真 棒 但是我不知道他要用这里干什么?

14. Oscar: Great to see you again, Melinda. You look very cool. 奥斯卡: 真 棒 ,又见到你了梅林达. 你看起来很酷.

15. Elizabeth: Very good. Jeff Grant, travel courier and pop music expert. 伊丽莎白: 真 棒 . 杰夫·格兰特, 旅行社导游兼流行音乐专家.

16. Anne : Great! Maybe I should rethink about my dream house. 真 棒 ! 也许我该再考虑一下我梦想的房子.

17. You look great in your sportswear. Are you playing tennis? 你穿运动装真 棒 , 去打网球 吗 ?

18. Yunbo: Christopher, what an excellent game ! You're a terrific hockey player. 云波: 克里斯托弗, 这场冰球打得真 精彩,你的球艺真 棒 .

19. It's great soak in a hot spring after skiing. 滑雪后泡温泉真 棒 .

20. A : Jack, you did a good job in the marathon race. 捷克, 你在马拉松赛上可真 棒 !
