A: May I come in?
B: Please come in.
A: Good afternoon, sir.
B: Good afternoon. And you are...
A: Barbara Ireton.
B: Nice to see you, Miss Ireton. I’m the personnel manager here, Dirk Hull. Would you like to sit down over here, Miss lreton?Would you like to have a cup of coffee?
见到你真愉快,艾尔顿小姐,我是这儿的 人事经理,德克赫尔。请在这儿坐下, 好吗,艾尔顿小姐?你要来杯咖啡吗?
A: No, thank you.
B: Well, now, let,s see. You seem to have done very well in your courses. You're very good at languages, too.
B:好吧,我们谈谈。你的课程似乎学得不 错,而且也颇具语言才能。
A: I can read, write and speak English and German in addition to my mother tongue, French.
A:除我的母语法语外,我能读、写和说英语 和德语。
B: Wonderful. Do you have any work experience?
A: A little. I served a six-year apprenticeship at Dream Hotel, spending time in all departments of this 5-star hotel.
A:有一点儿,我在梦想酒店当了 6年学徒, 在这家五星级酒店的各个部门都待过。
B: Oh, I see. Why do you want to join us?
A: I'm very interested in the tourist business and I know your firm has a very good reputation in the travel line. I think it would be exciting and challenging to work for your company.
A:我对旅游业很感兴趣,我知道贵公司在 旅游这一行业里享有盛誉,而且我想为 贵公司工作不但令人振奋而且能鞭策自己。
B: Well, in this line, you know, one would have to travel now and then.
B:嗯,做我们这一行的人,你知道,常常需 要出差。
A: Yes, I like travelling, sir.
B: Yes, do you know what the responsibilities of a tour guide are?
A: A tour guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities, and offering service of transportation, accommodations, sightseeing, shopping and entertainment.
A:导游必须负责安排和协调旅游活动,以 及为游客提供交通、住宿、观光、购物和 娱乐等各项服务。
B: Then you may know that it’s hard work.
A: Yes, I know. But I don’t mind working hard.
B: You’re right. Now I’d like to ask you a few more questions about yourself. How old are you?
B:说得好,现在我想问几个关于你本身的 问题。你多大了?
A: I’m twenty-eight.
B: Are you married?
A: No, I’m not.
B: Do you think you are quite extroverted or introverted?
A: I’m quite outspoken. I enjoy calling a spade a spade and hate talking in a roundabout way. So I’d call myself outgoing.
A:我说话很坦率,喜欢有什么说什么,讨厌 说话转弯抹角。所以我称得上是外向。
B: Well, do you have any questions?
A: Oh, um... How much is the pay?
B: Well, provide you with a monthly salary of 700 Franc.
A: If I get the job, when can I start?
B: Next week. Do you have other questions?
A: No, thafs all.
B: Well, thank you very much for coming to see us, Miss Ireton. You’ll be hearing from us within the next few days.
B:好,非常感谢你来和我们见面,艾尔顿小 姐,几天内我们会通知你的。
A: Thank you. Good-bye, sir.
A: Sit down, please, Miss Tao. Would you like anything to drink, like a cup of tea?
A:请坐,陶小姐。要喝点什么吗?比如一 杯茶?
B: No, thank you. I’m here for the job you placed an advertisement for in the Jinghua Daily. According to the ad, you need a few more English-Chinese interpreters and guides. Are there still any vacancies?
B:不用,谢谢。你们在《京华日报》上刊登 了广告,要招聘一些英汉口译员和导游。 我是来应聘的。不知道还有没有空缺?
A: Yes. Two more persons are needed.
B: Oh, I’m lucky. So I want to apply for it.
A: You are welcome. But have you ever done anything like that before?
B: No, not in the real sense. I'm straight from university.
A: Which university did you graduate from?
B: China University of Science and Technology.
A: Your major?
B: English Language and Culture. I think my English is good enough to be a guide, because I studied very hard and passed all the subjects with honors and obtained a BA.
B:英语语言文化。我想我的英语还是可以 胜任做导游的,因为我学习很努力,通过 了各科考试且成绩是优等,还获得了学士学位。
A: Very good. But do you know anything about tourism?
B: Yes, some kind. I have not only obtained some knowledge about it, but also gained some experience in tourism when I once worked in the Shenzhou Travel Agency as a part-time guide in my university days. I got on very well with the guests and helped them know more about some scenic spots. They liked me. And I became tourism after that.
B:是的,了解一些。我不仅掌握一些旅游 知识,还有一些实际经验。在读大学时, 我曾经为神州旅行社当过兼职导游。我 和游客相处很好,还帮助他们更多地了 解一些景点情况。他们也喜欢我。我就 是从那时起对旅游业感兴趣的。
A: Only for that reason?
B: I have been interested in the geography of China and the world ever since I was a child. I also like foreign cultures very much. Thafs why I chose to major in English.
B:我从小就喜欢中国地理和世界地理。我 还对外国文化很感兴趣。因此,我选了英语专业。
A: I think you like travelling, too?
B: Oh, yes. I’m quite out going and like meeting people. And when I travel, I often as a volunteer guide help those foreign tourists enjoy their trips.
B:是的。我性格外向,喜欢结交各种人。 旅行时,我还经常给外国游客做义务导 游,使他们旅游更愉快。
A: You don’t mind the toughness of being a guide?
B: Certainly I don’t mind. After all, it's job I like.
A: Do you speak any other foreign languages?
B: I speak a little Japanese, because my second foreign language in my university is Japanese.
B:会说一点日语,因我大学时学的二外是 日语。
A: Ah, I’m impressed. Do you mind if we give you 1,500 yuan a month plus some training in tourism for the first six months, which is actually the probation period?
A:好,你给我留下了深刻的印象。那么,在 前6个月的试用期中,我们每月付你 1500元,外加一些旅游培训,你觉得怎 样?
B: That’s fine. After that?
A: We will see and talk with you about it. Maybe double. And we also hand out perks.
A:之后,我们再谈,也许翻一番。我们还要 发奖金的。
A: OK. Please fill in this form. You will receive our notice very soon.
A:好的,请填好这张表,我们会很快发通知 给你的。
B: Thank you. See you.
A: Farewell.
A: Good morning, I came from Nanjing University. I am Sandy.
B: Good morning, Sandy. Can I help you?
A: I got the advertizement information in the newspaper. I am here applying for the position of tour guide.
A:我从报纸上得到你们的招聘信息。我是 来应聘导游这一职位的。
B: Okay, there is a vacancy. What’s your major?
A: I majored in Tour. And I also studied Economics of Tourism, Tourist Market, Tourist Cultures, Tourist Etiquette Science, Guiding Methods and Techniques and etc..
A:我的专业是旅游,并且我也学了有关旅 游经济学、旅游市场、旅游文化、旅游礼 仪学等,还有导游方法、技巧等方面的知识。
B: Why did you choose our travel agency?
A: Because your travel agency has a high fame in the tour market, what’s more, all the staff here are working very hard.
A:因为你们旅行社在旅游市场上名望比较 高,再者就是你们这里的全体员工都很 敬业。我自己也想找一份有挑战性的工作。
B:I like doing some challenging job.
A: Yes,I only have few experiences, I guided a few groups of foreign tourists around South Africa last summer vacation. I showed them around some places of interest.
A:我有一些作为导游的经历。去年暑假我 带了一队外国旅游者去参观了南非,我 带他们参观了一些旅游景点。
B: Okay. Since I still have a meeting this morning, I’ll give you the answer tomorrow. That’s all for today’s interview.
B:由于我上午还有一个会,我明天上午再 答复你,今天的面试就到此为止吧。
A: OK. Thanks for your offer. I am looking forward to receiving your reply.