
发布时间:2017-03-14 21:44



The English Language is full of food idioms to cover most situations.


The list is endless, so I’ve chosen 10 food and food-related idioms here to show you what they mean and how you could use them in a sentence.


1. “As cool as a cucumber” – to be calm, not nervous or anxious

1. “As cool as a cucumber”——冷静,不紧张、焦虑

Look at Jason. He is as cool as a cucumber. He never gets nervous before an interview.


2. “to bite the hand that feeds you” – to harm someone who does good things for you.

2. “to bite the hand that feeds you”——恩将仇报

I wouldn’t annoy your Boss. You don’t want to bite the hand that feeds you.


3. “to butter someone up” – to flatter someone so that you can win their friendship orfavour

3. “to butter someone up”——通过奉承某人,赢得他们的友谊或是得到帮助

Ever since the new Sales Director joined the company, she’s been buttering him up.


4. “to cheese someone off” (BrE) – To annoy someone

4. “to cheese someone off”(英式英语)——惹怒某人

Will you please stop doing that? You’re really cheesing me off.


5. “Big Cheese” – an important person, a leader

5. “Big Cheese”——重要的人物,领导

Who’s the big cheese in this organisation?


6. “Carrot and Stick” – to reward someone who does what you want or punish them if they don’t

6. “Carrot and Stick”——萝卜大棒政策,奖励按照你指示做的人,惩罚不遵守的人

He likes to use the carrot and stick approach when managing his team.


7. “to bite off more than you can chew” – try to do more than you can manage

7. “to bite off more than you can chew”——贪多嚼不烂,试图做超出能力范围之外的事

With this new job, I’m afraid Susan has bitten off more than she can chew.


8. “to cut the mustard” – to succeed, do something well

8. “to cut the mustard”——成功,做好某事

He did not last long in the job. He just didn’t cut the mustard.


9. “to be cheesed off” – to be annoyed or irritated

9. “to be cheesed off”——被惹恼了

I have to complete this report by tonight. I’m so cheesed off.


10. “To eat humble pie” – to admit your mistake and apologize

10. “To eat humble pie”——承认错误,道歉

Brian had to eat humble pie when he realised the mistakes in the budget report.

