
发布时间:2017-05-11 16:54



第一部分 听力(20分)

Ⅰ. 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正 确答语,并将其字母代号填入答题卷相应空格内,每个句子听两遍。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)

( )6. A. Next month B. Yesterday C. By air, of course

( )7. A. Two B. It tastes good C. It sounds good

( )8. A. It’s 10:00. B. It’s Monday. C. It’s June 1st.

( )9. A. Yes, I am B. Sure, I’d love to. C. Yes, I do.

( )10.A. Yes. I do. B. I like it very much. C. Ok.

Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )6. A. I’m doing my homework. B. I’m going to the library. C. Very well, thanks.

( )7. A. Don’t do that. B. It’s very nice of you. C. Take it easy. You will be OK.

( )8. A. My English is poor. B. Yes, of course. C. No, she can’t.

( )9. A. I think so. B. Help yourself. C. It’s very nice of you.

( )10. A. Excuse me. B. He should be careful. C. I’m sorry to hear that.

Ⅲ. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )11. What will the man do next? A. Go for a field trip. B. Stay at home. C. Watch TV.

( )12. How much is the new coat? A. 2,000 yuan. B. 3,000 yuan. C. 4,000 yuan.

( )13. Where will Darren go for his vacation? A. China. B. America. C. Japan.

( )14. What size does the woman’s daughter wear? A. Size 25. B. Size 26. C. Size 27.

( )15. Does Lucy like wearing school uniforms?

A. Yes, very much. B. No, not at all. C. Yes, a little.

Ⅳ. 听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

( )16. What did Mrs. Brown want to buy? A. A coat. B. A pair of jeans. C. A sweater.

( )17. Why didn’t Mrs. Brown buy it at once?

A. She didn’t like the color. B. She was busy. C. She didn’t have enough money.

( )18. Why didn’t her husband want her to buy it?

A. It was too expensive. B. She had so many sweaters. C. It was not good enough.

( )19. When did her husband agree to buy it?

A. The next day. B. The third day. C. After a week.

( )20. Who bought the sweater at last? A. Mrs. Brown. B. Mr. Brown. C. Nobody.

第二部分 笔试(80分)

I. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)

( ) 1. ______ hard work he was doing!

A. What B. What a C. How D. How a

( ) 2. — When did he go to summer camp?

— He _____ to summer camp five days _____.

A. goes, ago B. went, ago C. went, for D. goes, before

( ) 3. Only ten boys in our class use the Internet to get information, ______ use it to play games.

A. the others B. the other C. others D. other

( ) 4. — do your parents go to the movies? —Once a month.

A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How soon

( ) 5. If we keep planting trees, our country will become ______.

A. more and more beautifully B. more or more beautifully

C. more or more beautiful D. more and more beautiful

( ) 6. Xi’an is one of ______ capital ______ in China.

A. older; city B. the older; cities C. the oldest; city D. the oldest; cities

( ) 7. —_____ she have breakfast this morning?

—No. She left home _____ breakfast.

A. Do; with B. Does; for C. Does; without D. Did; without

( ) 8. Next term m y sister ________ to draw pictures.

A. learns B. learning C. is going to learn D. will learns

( ) 9. Do you think _____ a football match tomorrow?

A. there will be B. will there be C. there will have D. there are going to be

( ) 10. He usually ________ his bag ________ magazines and story books.

A. fill, with B. fills, with C. fill, into D. fills, in

II. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)



Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But neither of them likes to use his head. Th ey’re both poor though they work hard. Most villagers have built new houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never find out why.

Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. They decided to carry some apples to the city. They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor. Bad luck! A lot of apples have already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had to sell them at a low price (价格). They felt unhappy and returned to their village.

“I can’t understand why we sustained (蒙受) losses in business while others always profit (盈利)” Uncle Li asked one day.

“The tractor was too small.” Uncle Wang said without thinking. “We’ll carry more apples on a truck next time!”

“I agree!” said Uncle Li. “How foolish (傻的) we were!”

( ) 1. Uncle Li and Uncle Wang live in the low and broken houses because __________.

A. they hope to save money B. they’re both poor

C. their farms are at the foot of the mountain D. they’re not far from their farms

( ) 2. The two farmers carried the apples to the city to _________.

A. make a journey B. visit some places of interest

C. meet their friends D. make a profit

( ) 3. The two farmers had to sell their apples at a l ow price because ________.

A. theirs weren’t as good as the others’

B. theirs were much less than the others’

C. many apples had been already carried to the city

D. they forgot to carry them on a truck

( ) 4. Uncle Li and Uncle Wang were unhappy because _________.

A. they had sustained losses in business B. they had lost some money in the city

C. something was wrong with the tractor D. other people profited in the city

( ) 5. Which of the following is true?

A. The two farmers found out why they were poor.

B. The two farmers will soon get rich.

C. Neither of the farmers is clever.

D. The two farmers decided to buy a truck.


Dogs like living with people. They are very friendly. They can do many things for people. (A) Some dogs help people to look after sheep, other dogs help them to find the lost children. And some of the dogs can help the blind.

There is a kind of dog. His name is (B) Seeing Eye dog. Now we can see this kind of dog all over the world. They are working for the blind. The Seeing Eye dog is strong and easy to train. He helps the blind to walk from place to place. Before a dog becomes a Seeing Eye dog, he must go to a training school for about three months. (C) ____________ the dog has to learn to sit or stay when he hears the trainer’s call. In his next lesson the dog learns to take his trainer across busy streets. The dog has many things to learn. At the end of the training he must take tests. When he passes the test, the Seeing Eye dog will do things by himself.

Now he can help the blind people. (D) The new master may be a man, a woman, or even a child. It takes the dog and his blind master about a month (E) ___________ (learn) to work and live together.


6. 将(A)处划线句子译成汉语。


7. In Chinese, (B) “Seeing Eye dog”means _______________________.

8. 在(C)处填入一个适当单词。_____________________

9. 改写(D)处划线句子。__________ the new master ___________ a man,

10. 用(E)处所给单词的适当形式填空。_________________


Island University has a competition for middle school stude nts.

Read about the competition on their web site.

School Competition

Students! Here is your chance to help the physically disabled (残疾人). Think out a robot or a machine to help them liv e better. There’ll be three prizes. The winning schools will ea ch get $15,000. Read the information below:

What do you have to do?

•Try to know problems faced by the physically disabled in Hong Kong. Write a 200-word article on the difficties these people have to suffer each day.

• Try to know modern inventions that help t he physically disabled. Then think out a robot or a machine that will improve the lives of the physically disabled. Draw your invention. You can make as many drawings as you like to show your invention. You can even make a small model of your invention.

•Write a short description of your invention.

Who can join?

All middle school students in Hong Kong.

So, come on! Join the competition, and get the chance!


11. Where can you find the information?


12. Why is the school competition held?


13. What prize will each winning school get?


14. How many words should be written on the difficulties the disabled have to suffer each day?

________________________________ __________________________

15. Who can join the competition?


III. 补全对话。(每小题1分,共5分)


Andy: (1)_______________________, Ken?

Ken: The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway .

Andy: Wow, now (2)__________________________.

Ken: Yes, I want to be a writer.

Andy: Really? (3)___________________________?

Ken: Well, I’m going to keep on writing stories, of course. What do you want to be?

Andy: (4)__________________, but I’m not sure about that.

Ken: Well, don’t worry. (5)_______________________. Just make sure you try your best. Then

you can be anything you want!

Andy: Yes, you’re right.

A. How are you going to become a writer?

B. Let’s do some reading.

C. Not everyone knows what they want to be.

D. My parents want me to be a doctor

E. What are you reading?

F. Nobody wants to be a writer.

G. I know why you’re so good at writing stories.

IV. 短文填空。(每小题1分,共10分)


Students these days often have a lot of worries. Sometimes they have problems (1)_____________ their schoolwork, and sometimes with their friends. What can they do about this? Some people believe the worst thing is to do (2)_______________. Laura Mills, a te enager from London, agrees. “Problems and worries are (3)________ in life,” says Laura. “But I think talking to someone helps a lot. (4)__________ we talk to someone, we’ll certainly feel worse.”

Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She was (5) ________ to tell her parents about it. She even walked three miles to school each day (6)_______ she didn’t have any money. She just (7)________ thinking, “If I tell my parents, they’ll be angry!” In the end, she talked to her paretns and they were really understanding. Her dad said he sometimes made careless (8)________ himself. They got her a new wallet and asked her to be more (9)_________. “I will always remember to share my problems in the future!” Laura says.

Robert Hunt advises students about common problems. He feels the same ways as Laura. “It is best not to run away from our problems. We should always try to (10)_________ them.”

V. 翻译句子。(每小题2分,共10分)

1. 因为这场雨,我们今天无法在室外打篮球了。

We can’t play basketball outside today _________________________________.

2. 队友密切合作,使大伙儿都发挥到极致是很重要的。

It’s important for the players to play together and ___________________________ each other.

3. 学校在教育中起着最为重要的作用。


4. 他总是随时能够倾听我的烦恼。


5. 我们才仅仅完成工作的一部分。

We’re still only halfway ____________________________.

VI. 书面表达。(共15分)



时间 活动

周六上午 上钢琴课,帮助妈妈做家务

周六下午 去看牙医。

周六晚上 为了考试而学习。


Hi Tom,

Thanks for_________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Best wishes,



第一部分 听力(20分)


I. 1-5 ABACC

II. 6-10 CCBCC

III. 11-15 ABCBB

IV . 16-20 CCBCC

第二部分 笔试(80分)

I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)

1-5 ABACD 6-10 DDCAB

II. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)


6. 有些狗帮助人们照看绵羊,其他狗帮助他们找到失踪的孩子

7. 导盲犬 8. First 9. Maybe/Perhaps, is 10. to learn

11. On the web site/Internet. 12. Because they want to help the physically disabled(1ive better). 13. $1 5,000. 14. Two hundred./200. 15. All middle school students in Hong Kong.

III. 补全对话(每小题1分,共5分)


IV. 短文填空(每小题1分,共10分)

1. with 2. nothing 3. normal/common 4. Unless 5. afraid 6. because 7. kept

8. mistakes 9. careful 10. solve

V. 翻译句子(每小题2分,共10分)

1. because of the rain 2. bring out the best in

3. Schools play the most important role in education.

4. He is always ready to listen to my problems. 5. to finishing the job

VI. 书面表达(共15分)


Hi Tom,

Thanks for asking me to your home. I’d love to come. But I’m sorry I can’t visit you on Saturday. I’m not available this weekend. In the morning, I have to take the piano lesson and help my mom do some housework. In the afternoon, I must go to the dentist. In the evening, I’m going to study for a test. Maybe another time .I hope you have a happy weekend.
