
发布时间:2017-06-08 12:56



过去将来进行时由“should/would+be+v-ing”构成,其否定形式是should/would not + be+ v-ing。

He said he would be setting off on the 9 o’clock train.他说他将乘坐9点钟的火车走。



He asked me what I should be doing at 6 the next day.他问我第二天6点钟要干什么。

They said that they would be expecting us the next week.他们说他们盼我们下个星期去。


He said he could not be back because he would be having a meeting.他说他不能回来,因为要开会。

She would come to see you off as you would be leaving home.你走时,她将来为你送行。

The plane took off. John would be flying to America.飞机起飞了,约翰要飞往美国。


英语动词就其词汇意义而言,可分为状态动词(stative verbs静态动词)和动作动词(active verbs)两大类。状态动词一般不用于进行时态,但有些情况,状态动词也可以用于进行时。


He is strong.他很强壮。(持续性)

He is being strong.他显得很壮。(暂时性)

She is a good girl.她是个好姑娘。(持续性)

She is being a good girl today.她今天表现得很好。(暂时性)


I have a lot of homework to do.我有许多作业要做。(表状态)

I'm having supper.我正在吃晚饭。(表动作)

(3)动词see, hear用于进行时态时,意思发生了变化。

We are seeing Professor Li.我们正在拜访李教授。

They are hearing a case.他们正在审理一个案件。

(4)感觉动词feel, taste, smell等表静态意义时,不能用于进行时;表动态意义时,可用于进行时。

I feel a great joy at the good news.听到这一好消息,我感到极为高兴。(静态)

The doctor is feeling his pulse.医生正在为他诊脉。(动态)

I'm sure I smell gas.我肯定闻到了煤气味。(静态)

I'm smelling the flower.我在闻花。(动态)

(5)表心理或情感状态的动词:believe, care ,envy, expect, fear,think, forget, hate, hope, know, love, like, wish等一般不用于进行时,如用于进行时其意义已发生了变化。

What do you think of it ?你觉得这怎样?

What are you thinking about?你在想什么?

That's what I expect.那就是我所期望的。

I'm expecting a telegram.我在等一份电报。
