
发布时间:2017-03-19 13:30



Comparison of the Type of the Web Base Advertising on E-Commerce Improvement

Abstract: There are several investigation that have been shown increase the Ecommerce improvements by web base advertising. Recently and specifically after developing on the personal, news, e-shops and web2 websites have been increase interesting to do E-commerce and improve it by the web based advertising. This investigation have been focused on comparison of the two type of the web base advertise on the visitors direction to the targets websites. Result of this investigation have been shown that the picture banner base advertise inside the news content is more effective to direction of the visitors to the targets website. Researcher in this research has been suggested to make the text base advertising in side the content to improve the E-commerce. [Journal of American Science 2010;6(3):150-156]. (ISSN: 1545-1003).

Keywords: Bossiness, E-commerce, Website, Web2, PHP Programming

This paper presents an application of the Introduction analytic hierarchy process (AHP) used to select Recently have been shown increase to people the best web site for online advertising (Ngai interesting to E-commerce according to the2003). This method adopts a multi-criteria web base works. Web base commerce or at the approach that can be used for analysis and other hand electronic commerce has been comparison of web sites for online advertising. known as new sort of the business by the some The method is based on pairwise comparison company and personal works (Gefen 2000). between several factors that affect the selection There are several investigation regard to of the best web site improve the e-commerce website in some

Electronic Commerce is the paperless aspect as well as the security, server power and exchange of business information using also web applications (Elnikety, Nahum et al.

Electronic Data Interchange and related 2004) but there are a few researches regard to technologies. If you are familiar with design plane and type of the advertise to makeElectronic Mail, computer bulletin boards, more visitor inside these type of the websites. facsimile machines, Electronic Funds Transfer You can very well understand what is E-Recommender systems are being used by an commerce. These are all forms of EC. All EC ever-increasing number of E-commerce sites tosystems replace all or key parts of paper-based help consumers find products to purchase. In work flow with faster, cheaper, more efficient, this article they presented an explanation of and more reliable communications between how recommender systems are related to some machines. In today's Defense Department traditional database analysis techniques. procurement arena, however the most The model predicts online buying by linking important EC technology to know about is the purchase decision to what visitors do and to

Electronic Data Interchange, or ED what they are exposed to while at the An e-Commerce site is a content managed site.(Sismeiro and Bucklin 2004) website application which allows members of The failure of many B2C companies has the public to purchase specific products via triggered widespread concern about the future transactions secured on the vendor's website. prospects of such firms (Saeed, Hwang et al. Typically this would involve an administration 2002). Surviving and newly formed companies system which allows the client to manage their are reevaluating their strategies and struggling inventory, view orders and review transactions to build a sustainable business model. The within the website database. Orders are results demonstrate that advertising spending typically processed via secure online Payment alone has only a negligible impact on firm Service Providers such as World Pay, Pay Pal performance. A more appropriate profit- and Secure Trading or integrated service enhancing strategy for B2C companies is to providers such as Streamline or Realex. complement advertising spending with a Occasionally clients may have in-house card superior shopping experience that augmentsswiping facilities and orders can be relayed the value customers gain from the purchase directly to their systems. experience. Journal of American Science 2010;6(3)

In conventional commerce, customer groups with similar interests can be observed. Similarly, customers in E-commerce naturally form groups(Wang, Makaroff et al. 2004). That's groups allow the organization to provide quality of service and perform capacity planning. From a system point of view, overall server performance can be improved and resources managed considering customer session behavior. Last studies have grouped customers using clustering technique. Other data metrics have been selected as criteria for grouping, in order to analyze different problems. The limitation for these approaches is that problem is analyzed separate. In solicitation to manage an E-commerce server well, they must analyze many dependent problems Comprehensive rather than separate. For Parable, they would like to know what's the impact on resource usage when optimizing revenue. So, they must understand the diversities and similarities between session groups chosen by different metrics. In that's paper characterizes customer groups for an E-rental business and compares customer groups created according to different criteria including services appealed, navigation pattern and resource usage. A significant finding of that's study shows that using each of the three criteria in relative yields roughly similar results, since customers looking for similar services tend to have similar navigation pattern similar server resource usage. So, it is proper to group customers in only one of these ways. Grouping customers by services solicited is suggested since this method transfers dependent better results and is simple to implement.

The faster mutation of interactive Internet services has led to both a permanent very number of modern web sites and to an increase in their functionality, which in turn makes them more complicated to them(Abbattista, Degemmis et al. 2002). The COGITO project aims at improve innovative software components allowing e-commerce compares to effectively set up and maintain web sites which address customers in personalized and pro-active ways.

Inspects the applicability of determinants identified in a physical services environment to assess the services reporting to e-commerce(Cox and Dale 2001). That is argued the lack of human interaction during the Web

site experience means that determinants such as competence, courtesy, and friendliness, helpfulness, commitment, flexibility are not specific relevant in e-commerce. On the other hand, determinants such as accessibility, communication, credibility, understanding, appearance, and availability are equally applicable to e-commerce as they are in physical services. That's paper argues the needed for further researched to identify suitable determinants for the e-commerce operating environment.

Actually E-commerce is thinking an excellent alternative for companies to aim new customers(Albuquerque and Belchior 2002). Sometimes, many E-commerce Web sites have a short time. The prosperity of these virtual stores pertains on many issues, especially their quality; it is such a complex solution. This paper specifies a relevant set of E-commerce Web site quality attributes based on the literature. Research was undertaken to validate and establish the relative importance of these attributes. The results were obtained from a software quality evaluation model.

Typical web analytic packages provide basic key performance indicators and standard reports to help assess traffic patterns on the website(Kohavi and Parekh 2003), evaluate site performance and identify potential problems such as bad links resulting in page not found errors.

Based on they experience in mining data for multiple retail E-commerce sites, they offer several recommendations for supplementary analyses that they have found to be very useful in practice.

that's include analysis from errors, micro-conversions, real estate usage, search, product affinities and based on the construction of a customer signature, which in turn benefits from additional overlays, such as third-party demographic attributes. They describe the construction of such a signature and challenges faced by businesses attempting to construct it.

This research is going to examine effect of difference type of the advertise on the e-commerce improvements and increase the visitors. Have been applied two type of the advertise according to the text and picture banner base publishing to improve the e-commerce in this study. The model of this investigation has been shown at the figure 1.

Figure 1: Moder of the target and publisher websites in this research

websites. Click target according to the banner Methodology

This research is a web base survey. Researcher script component have been shown number of to make this research has been used one target the clicks on the text advertise. This survey website and three advertise publisher websites. was continued for 1 month (September 2009) The entire website in this survey was in .The target website was designed by open Persian language. And all the website was rtl source script content management system CSS. Alexa ranks (Zeng and Parmanto 2003) (Joomla . all the publisher website was in all these website was less than 1000,000 at updated by the news content daily ( 3 news ranking. The target website domain name in daily). Banner design and text content as well this survey was . The as the color, size and location of the module

was at the same conditions. The uptime of the advertise website in this research was as the

websites was at 99.99 percent in month and following:

linux dedicated server has been used to run all

these websites. Php script banner component • (Site: a)

have been used for banner advertising and • (Site: b)

website analytics component was used for • www .aryamehan.com (Site: c)

determination of the refer type and domain

referral. Have been made tow type of the advertise in

, tree publisher website. The Text inside the

Alexa Rank during this research in all these content and banner ( 200 x 200 px) at right

website are the figure no: 1, 2, 3 column of all WebPages was applied in three


Figure 2: alexa rank for


Figure 3: alexa rank for www.aryamehan.com


Figure 4; alexa rank for


Figure 5: alexa rank for

Statistical Methods:

To compare of the result in tow type of the advertising effect have been used descriptive data and also t-independent test. SPSS version 17 and Excel (OS Windows XP, Office 2003) software was used to analysis of data.


The analysis of data in this investigation has been applied by SPSS software and T-independent test for compare of the mean. P


value was applied at .05. have been shown that there are significant difference between the mean and standard error between the text and banner advertise. All the site was used for 30 days and have been shown mean of the visitor by banner type was 53.23, 58.23 and 68.86 respectively in three website. Also mean of the visitor for per day in three website according to text banner was 21.83, 26.83 and 24.36 respectively. Have been shown significant difference between banner and text advertise in all three websites.

Figure 6: Compare the mean and standard deviation at three publisher website


Table 1: Descriptive Data in three publisher website

Site: a

Banner Type Picture Text

N 30 30 30 30 30 30

Mean 53.23 21.83 58.2333 26.8333 68.8667 24.3667

Std. Deviation 8.140 6.232 8.13966 6.23164 72.46056 6.38686

Std. Error Mean 1.486 1.138 1.48609 1.13774 13.22943 1.16608

Site: b Picture Text

Site: c Picture Text

Table 2: T-Independent Test t df Site: Equal 16.777 58


a assumed Equal

Sig. (2-tailed) .000

Mean Difference 31.400

Std. Error Difference1.872

Site: b Equal

16.777 54.303 .000

variances not

assumed Equal

16.777 58 .000

variances assumed

16.777 54.303 .000

variances not

assumed Equal

3.351 58 .001

variances assumed


29.451 .002

31.400 1.872

31.40000 1.87161

31.40000 1.87161

Site: c Equal




44.50000 13.28072

44.50000 13.28072


Have been shown the increase the site visitors with the banner base advertise in this investigation. However this research can not be extended in any type of the websites as well as the search engine or forums. This investigation was according to the Persian

language and news website and need to more research at the other languages websites. However researcher according to this research have been suggested to the publisher and advertise owner to use the banner base advertise to increase their visitor and e-commerce.

Corresponding Author: Maryam Mazandarani Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia



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