
发布时间:2017-03-16 12:28


The victim, surnamed Sun, said that he was taken to a building where the pyramid den was located when he arrived in Jinhua.

He managed to scrawl the message on the two bills and throw them out of the window undetected.


Four people were detained after a sanitation worker, surnamed Guo, called the police after he found the bills which read "Help! Call 110! I'm on the second floor".

Sun said he came there from Guangzhou with promises of work from a man he met online, who claimed to own a hotpot restaurant.






文中的pyramid den就是“传销窝点”的意思,其中den作名词,意为“窝,活动场所”,如:gambling den(赌窝),也指“兽穴,洞穴”,如:the den of tigers(虎穴),而cave表示天然的或人为的“洞穴,山洞”,如:natural caves(天然的洞穴)。

pyramid即金字塔的意思,传销就是上线发展下线、金字塔式的销售模式,可以表示为pyramid scheme,也可以说成pyramid selling,传销人员则为pyramid-seller。
